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This is a widget style that was designed to be a pixel-for-pixel clone of the Microsoft Windows 2000 user interface widgets. I implemented it entirely from scratch, using screenshots and xmag, as well as VMware back in the day. The widget style is licensed under the terms of the modified BSD license included in the LICENSE file.

Munjoy Linux ( uses this style as the default in their distro. Many thanks to David Chester for dropping a patch on me that implements a few widgets that I never got around to.

-Chris Lee (
Last changelog:

Added a link to a Mandrake RPM of the style.

Fixed the INSTALL file and removed the Redmond deco that I had forgotten was there. This version will just install the widget style, not overwrite your system-provided Redmond deco; please use it instead of 0.5.

This version is the first one announced on - I had done a few internal releases that were only announced on my blog and such, but I figure this is a decent way to get some more feedback.

Yes, I'm evil. I don't care. If you don't like it, don't download it and don't *$@*!. If you do like it, great! Enjoy.

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elena@elena-ubuntu:~/Desktop/asteroid_style-0.6$ make -f admin/Makefile.common *** YOU'RE USING automake (GNU automake) 1.6. *** KDE requires automake 1.6 make: *** [cvs] Error 1 elena@elena-ubuntu:~/Desktop/asteroid_style-0.6$ any idea?


The style works fine for me, but when I want to customize the style I get the following error message: Libraryfile cannot be found in your PATH. Before the installation i executed KDEDIR=/usr. Suggestions? (running KDE 3.4 on Debian Sid)


Hi, asteroid has a problem with the buttons of amaroK 1.0. A picture says more than 1000 words, so here they are:


Could you please include a color style in asteroid's next release?


there is a color scheme in kde called redmond 2000. maybe that is what you are looking for.


I cant compile it in gentoo: $ make -f admin/Makefile.common *** YOU'RE USING Autoconf version 2.13. *** KDE requires autoconf 2.52, 2.53 or 2.54 make: *** [cvs] Error 1 The strange thing is that I do have Autoconf 2.59r3: * sys-devel/autoconf Latest version available: 2.59-r3 Latest version installed: 2.59-r3 Size of downloaded files: 1,336 kB Homepage: Description: Used to create autoconfiguration files License: GPL-2 Suggestions?


I swear i clicked the button only once :s


It installed on gentoo here, I think you need to do it the following way in your terminal: ------------- WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 make -f admin/Makefile.common


Thank you very much, that worked! greetings


I cant compile it in gentoo: $ make -f admin/Makefile.common *** YOU'RE USING Autoconf version 2.13. *** KDE requires autoconf 2.52, 2.53 or 2.54 make: *** [cvs] Error 1 The strange thing is that I do have Autoconf 2.59r3: * sys-devel/autoconf Latest version available: 2.59-r3 Latest version installed: 2.59-r3 Size of downloaded files: 1,336 kB Homepage: Description: Used to create autoconfiguration files License: GPL-2 Suggestions?


Sorry if i'm ironic but your style give me the right dimension about how ugly Win2k is :)


Sure, it's reminiscent of Windows, but so what? It's a clean interface. Some people don't mind that it looks like Windows, so long as the security and function isn't like Windows. As for the creativity, I think this person has done a better job than most in reproducing the Windows style. There has to be some creativity in that... Nice job. :-)


don't clone, be creative.


I use Automake 1.8.x, but doesn't like it so I had to make some changes. You may want to fix that in the future for less-savvy users. Great style! I've been waiting for this for a while.


Wow, that looks really good. If you finished this style one month earlier I wouldn't have started Konx (newly submitted today to kde-look), which is based on your also great dotNET style :) One improvement: The background of a checked toolbar button should be in cg.midlight() or something and not the button color. It not only looks better IMHO, but it's also what MS Windows toolbars look like when an item is pressed.


Thanks for the compliments :) If you're interested in cleaner code, you may want to port KONX to either this widget style or to my SkeletonStyle framework. dotNET is nifty, and I love it but it's got a few hairy code areas, and this codebase is a bit cleaner as I started fresh with it. Also, thanks for the pointer about the toolbar buttons. I'll take a crack at that ASAP.


Finally I downloaded your theme and did not judge it by screenshots alone. It's really terrific, since I think that Microsoft Windows 2000 (or XP classic) has a very nice style - even if I don't like the software. I really know the Windows widgets very good, but I only came across 3-4 (very small) bugs: -) Etched text on disabled buttons and menu items (checkboxes are drawn right). -) When a top-level menu entry (File, Edit, View, ...) is opened, the text is offset by one pixel to the right and bottom until the popupmenu is closed -) the Up/down button on spinwidgets is flat (like the button with the arrow in combo boxes) when pressed. -) I think (this means, I am not totally sure), the topleft corner of a tab widget tab is rounded, but not as much as in your style. BTW: I think porting my Konx style to the new 'engine' is too much work, but I will look for obvious changes which I will adept in my style.


Not my taste, but looks nice. It's a clean, clear look which many people will want to use.


i was a huge fan of your dotNET style and I'm looking forward to use asteroid.


::grin:: Hope you enjoy it. I've got more stuff in the pipeline, as well, so stay tuned. -clee


Installed it just now but the style doesn't work quite right. Ran ./confgure --prefix=/usr (running Debian) and the compile went just fine. The style appear in Kcontrol, but when I choose it the preview of the theme is changed to .Net or something and when I hit apply the theme is changed to Keramik (standard theme for KDE?). Pretty odd. A screenshot of it,


There's a bug in KDE or maybe Qt - I'm not really sure which - which means that the style will only be available to newly-started applications. I've talked to SadEagle (Maksim Orlovich) and we should have this bug fixed by the time KDE 3.3 is released. Until then, please restart your applications and let me know how you enjoy the style!


Ah! Now it's working, seems preety nice, a good way to make new users (ex windows users) to KDE feel at home. I'm installing some machines at my fathers work this summer, this is the self written widget style;-)


Seems nice, just missing some parts in the file, "admin/Makefile.cvs" for example;-) Which is needed for making the configure.


D'oh. That should read admin/Makefile.common. Sorry, will fix. In the meanwhile, you should try that. :)

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version 0.6
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