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Just another very flat window decoration with very original bouncing buttons. A few color schemes are provided too.

See README because this window decoration uses more colors than just title blend and title text colors.
Last changelog:

- A minimum size for the windows is now defined.

- 2 new sets of improved buttons (round or square).

- Menu icon uses the same space as the other buttons for a better layout.

- ...and a all new set of colorschemes.

Ratings & Comments



After I installed version 1.0 of Mallory, all I got in kcontrol was this: The installation process didn't show any errors. Any ideea what's wrong with it? Thanks!


Hi, I prepared a Gentoo ebuild for this windec. Download it from: ============== HowTo Install 1. extract the contents of the file in your Portage overlay directory in the kde-misc folder. For ex.: /usr/local/portage/kde-misc 2. emerge as usual: emerge -v mallory 3. Activate it in your Control Center


Thanks a lot for the deco.This is where I'm using it :


I have to admit, I did not like Mallory much when you first released it. The windec was just not my taste, but this latest release with the Square Buttons and such, I am really liking it now. Maybe I just changed in a few months time, but either way, good work! :D


For some unknown reason, KDE-Look doesn't update the thumbnails although the screenshots are new. The zoom link will work but you don't get what you see. My wonderful artworks ruined by some inappropriate thumbnails? Shame on KDE-Look! ;-) Just to be sure, I tested the download. At least, that works.


I spoke too fast. Apparently, it's that stupid Firefox that didn't update the thumbnails. My sincere apologies to KDE-Look.


I liked the old Mallory with the slightly rounded corner better in combination with the 3 dots of the resize handles.


Sorry but I feel that more rounded corners fit more with the round icons of the buttons. And in these corners, there isn't enough room for 3 dots. That's why I also introduce the "line style" handles. That's very nice with the "Flat Blue" colorscheme. In a (distant) future version, I'll introduce configurable corners and maybe an alternative buttons' style. I intended to do it but I also have other works in the pipe. ;-) Any way, you have the sources, so put your hands in the engine! ;-) It's easy. Edit 'malloryclient.cpp', find: if (isResizable()) Look just below and you'll understand how to (almost) suit your wishes. This is just the way I began writing Mallory: I did some "tuning"... without knowing much about C++... and I still don't! ;-) Hmm... But maybe I can just add a checkbox for "Less rounded corners" that would trigger the 3 dots resize handles? People will grow tired to see my windec on the front page every day... :-D


Well, you got your less rounded corners back and the 3 dots too. And everything is (almost) prepared for the (now definitively) distant future finale version with variable corners. Can I go to sleep now? ;-) (It's early in the morning now...)


Yes, Master! I gracefully allow you to sleep after fullfilling all my wishes ;-) Great work! Hope you had a peaceful night.


If you discover that Mallory doesn't center the title text vertically, just re-download it. Sorry... An over-zealous code cleaner (me) removed just a little too much from the sources. ;-)


Hi, When you have long window titles, the maximize, minimize, close buttons gets cluttered with title-text below them. When resizing the window afterwards the text below the icons does not go away :)


That's something I'll fix in the next version. Hey, this is only my very first windec! Any way, there shouldn't be "remains" of the title behind the buttons when you resize the window. On my config, the title just slides behind the buttons without problems. Is there any unusual (de-)actived option in your control center? (I'm cautious now.) ;-)


I do ./configure && make && make install, it works like a charm, but mallory does not appear in kcontrol ... Any suggestions? I am on KDE3.4 under Debian Sid.


Just a guess... If no error is reported during the whole installation process but Mallory doesn't look like to be installed, it means that it got installed in the wrong place. Where is located the KDE hierarchie on Debian? If it's not /opt/kde3 (like in a SuSE distro), I strongly suggest to do: ./configure --prefix=/path/to/kde Then I also suggest to separate 'make' from 'make install' so that you get the time to do 'su' in between. The installation can't work like a charm if you aren't root. Check the output. Apart from this, I've no idea about what can go wrong.


You should configure with --prefix=/usr for debian.


Looks nice, but could you add one with grey and white? This would fit perfectly to very simple desktops.


Well... Try this: -------------------- [Color Scheme] Name=Mallory Double Grey activeBackground=0,0,0 activeBlend=224,224,224 activeForeground=255,255,255 activeTitleBtnBg=0,0,0 alternateBackground=240,224,208 background=224,224,224 buttonBackground=208,208,208 buttonForeground=0,0,0 contrast=4 foreground=0,0,0 frame=0,0,0 handle=0,0,0 inactiveBackground=144,144,144 inactiveBlend=224,224,224 inactiveForeground=80,80,80 inactiveFrame=144,144,144 inactiveHandle=144,144,144 inactiveTitleBtnBg=144,144,144 linkColor=0,0,192 selectBackground=0,0,0 selectForeground=255,255,255 visitedLinkColor=128,0,128 windowBackground=255,255,255 windowForeground=0,0,0 -------------------- Cut and paste into: ~/kde/share/apps/kdisplay/colorschemes/Mallory.Double.Grey.kcsrc Apply this colorscheme and tell me if that's enough black&white for you.


Sorry, me again ;-) I don't want to complain on every little stuff, but I really like this deco. I see that you are applying a gradient to the window frame. I can select a color for the lower part of the window frame in the Color applet of the Control Center. However I haven't found out how to set the upper part of the gradient. I would like to set it to a dark color also. My problem is that I am using a pretty light window background color and at the upper part it's hart to determine, where the window ends, when it is displayed over another window. Therefore I would like to get a dark window frame around the whole window. Maybe it's already configurable and I just wasn't able to find it yet. If not an option to disable the frame gradient would be great, but I also would be very happy, if you could give me a pointer to the source code, where I can change the gradient color, if it's hard coded.


No problem, you can complain as long as you want if you say that you like my windec. ;-) Well, yes. The external frame of the window is a gradient and its top color is the top color of the title bar gradient but much brighter. That's kinda hard coded. You're right, that should be configurable. (Next version, please!) ;-) In the mean time, edit 'malloyclient.cpp' and find: void MalloryClient::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) Everything is in it with a lot of comments. I called this "External borders". Look under "External top" and "External left and right". To disable the gradient and use only the defined frame color: ------------------------ // External borders if(maximizeMode() != MaximizeFull) { painter.setPen(cofrm); painter.drawLine(2, 0, rightRect.right()-2, 0); painter.drawPoint(1, 1); painter.drawPoint(rightRect.right()-1, 1); painter.drawLine(0, 2, 0, bottomRect.bottom()-2); painter.drawPixmap(rightRect.right(), 2, rightRect.right(), bottomRect.bottom()-2); painter.drawPoint(1, bottomRect.bottom()-1); painter.drawPoint(rightRect.right()-1, bottomRect.bottom()-1); painter.drawLine(2, bottomRect.bottom(), rightRect.right()-2, bottomRect.bottom()); } else ... ------------------------ Leave the rest untouched et voilà !


Arrrgh! A little mistake... Cut and paste this: ------------------------ // External borders if(maximizeMode() != MaximizeFull) { painter.setPen(cofrm); painter.drawLine(2, 0, rightRect.right()-2, 0); painter.drawPoint(1, 1); painter.drawPoint(rightRect.right()-1, 1); painter.drawLine(0, 2, 0, bottomRect.bottom()-2); painter.drawLine(rightRect.right(), 2, rightRect.right(), bottomRect.bottom()-2); painter.drawPoint(1, bottomRect.bottom()-1); painter.drawPoint(rightRect.right()-1, bottomRect.bottom()-1); painter.drawLine(2, bottomRect.bottom(), rightRect.right()-2, bottomRect.bottom()); } else ... ------------------------


Thank you very much! Right now I am very happy with the deco.


the new buttons. But somehow the buttons are missaligned when the Window is maximised. They are moved 2 pixels to the top. See for a screenshot.


NOTE: This occurs only, when "Allow moving and resizing of maximized windows" is active.

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version 1.0
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