Description: This is a port of the classic look of the Plastik window decoration used in KDE 3.2 to 3.4. In KDE 3.5, the look and default color scheme was changed (and in my opinion, for the worse). You also may not agree with the changes, which is why you can now download this standalone "Plastik Classic" window decoration theme for KDE 3.5 and above (I'm sure it's backwards compatible with previous versions, but if you're already running 3.4 and lower, you have the identical version).
This version of Plastik was taken from the KDE 3.4.2 tagged branch of the KDE SVN. Using the 0.3.9 version of Plastik provided separately by Sandro Giessl, I was able to strip out the style code and make it as up to date as possible.
I am calling this project a hack because I really didn't know what I was doing when I made this. I made it work on my system and tried to make it as platform-independent as possible. I'm sure some of you will have compile problems, but if you use my '' script it should work OK.
I hope you enjoy the work I put into this. It was a fun little hack for a guy who knows very little about KDE development.
make install
I had to create this install script because for some reason you need to do the configure in two different directories. I really don't know how to fix this because I am a rookie KDE programmer and just slapped this together to get it working. If you have any insight into this to make my package more normal, I'd appreciate it.
building it on Slackware current (but should also work with Slackware 10.2) works good by using checkinstall. Make install with prefix=/any/path/tmp/opt/kde to make the package with makepkg doesnt work. But checkinstall does the job right.
I miss the old window decoration buttons so much (I have a black theme going, so you could barely see the buttons and it looked really cool). I'm really glad somebody did this.
Trouble is, this skin didn't work for me! I'm running Fedora Core, so that may have something to do with it.
How can I get the new plastik kwin style? I have downloaded it from the kde svn, but there's no config scriptand I don't know what to do with it. Do you know of any rpm preview version out there or can you help me compile (if it is necessary)?
Thanks in advance
Hey thanks! I can't use the new plastik windeco on my older laptop anymore, for some strange reason I get bizzare rendering artifacts. I've been meaning to grab the old one again out of svn but your install script is pretty nice.
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10 Comments Not Found The requested URL /~kucherpa/plastik-classic-0.1.0.tar.gz was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80
building it on Slackware current (but should also work with Slackware 10.2) works good by using checkinstall. Make install with prefix=/any/path/tmp/opt/kde to make the package with makepkg doesnt work. But checkinstall does the job right.
I miss the old window decoration buttons so much (I have a black theme going, so you could barely see the buttons and it looked really cool). I'm really glad somebody did this. Trouble is, this skin didn't work for me! I'm running Fedora Core, so that may have something to do with it.
Forget I said anything bad: Classic just showed up in the Control Center, and I must say it is beautiful.
How can I get the new plastik kwin style? I have downloaded it from the kde svn, but there's no config scriptand I don't know what to do with it. Do you know of any rpm preview version out there or can you help me compile (if it is necessary)? Thanks in advance
Upgrade to KDE 3.5. =)
Hey thanks! I can't use the new plastik windeco on my older laptop anymore, for some strange reason I get bizzare rendering artifacts. I've been meaning to grab the old one again out of svn but your install script is pretty nice.
Much nicer than the new one, thanks a lot=)
well, it's nice that you did this... but i'm really think that plastik is prettier now ;)
have to agree. i like the new plastik. it looks less like luna in windows xp and more professional. still a good thing to have a choice though ;)