Alkano Serie for lefties has ten variations: Aluminium, Amber, Butter, Chameleon, Default (Black), Emerald, Plum, Scarlet, Sky and White. All cursors for windows resizing, are animated. For compatibility to Xfce, the cursor sizes are: 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48 pixels. Built specially for KDE Plasma 5 Desktop Environment, but works fine under others desktop environments.
The Alkano Series has the theme called Alkano-aio including all variations with three sizes categories: Small with 32 pixels, Medium with 48 pixels, and Large with 64 pixels. You can download it on, but if you prefer to install one by one the cursor themes, the one you like, go it to download section of this page web.
I have tested it under Zorin 11, Cinnamon, KDE, Pantheon, Xfce, Unity, also Gnome 2/3.x and it works great. I decided to upload it, and after will go improving it. I would like change a few things so you can expect updates. If you find any bugs, please let me know in comments section.
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