Two hours of broadband to FTP Linux package: $0.15 CD's to burn the files: $1.00 The knowledge that nothing on your computer is Microsoft: PRICELESS There are some operating systems that you don't need money to buy For everyone else there's Windows.
Truth and goodness are usually found in simplicity.
Linux started as a simple idea - a free operating system that anyone could use, add to, and improve.
Microsoft is anything but a simple company.
Perhaps they are less than truthful and less than good? (I didn't say they were greedy and evil, but you can think for yourself).
Truth and goodness are usually found in simplicity.
Linux started as a simple idea - a free operating system that anyone could use, add to, and improve.
Microsoft is anything but a simple company.
Perhaps they are less than truthful and less than good? (I didn't say they were greedy and evil, but you can think for yourself).
Ratings & Comments
Truth and goodness are usually found in simplicity. Linux started as a simple idea - a free operating system that anyone could use, add to, and improve. Microsoft is anything but a simple company. Perhaps they are less than truthful and less than good? (I didn't say they were greedy and evil, but you can think for yourself).
Truth and goodness are usually found in simplicity. Linux started as a simple idea - a free operating system that anyone could use, add to, and improve. Microsoft is anything but a simple company. Perhaps they are less than truthful and less than good? (I didn't say they were greedy and evil, but you can think for yourself).
And oh so true...