Totally Hot KDE girl
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I like I like I like. I do have a question though. How did you go about making this? Coz its pretty sweet mate.
Glad you asked :) It was made with Gimp 2.2, using layers. The background is a Fractal, colorized, The grid is a Gimp pattern, made in about 20 seconds.
Background text is from the hex dump of kdeinit.
The KDE logo was available as SVG from the KDE site. I played with many effects on copies of the logo, more noticeable is interlace and the script-fu glowing hot (the background glowing), I can't remember the exact order of all the effects though.
There is rendered, semi-transparent plasma on the foreground, this gives a light smoky effect.
I altered layer properties on some of the layers to get good effects (like transparency, hard/soft light, etc.)
Thanks mate, thats sweet as. I will have to start playing around in gimp :P.
nice job...