Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Fixed Spanish, German, Italian translations
Added Polish language
"Use current KDE style" inserted to styles pulldown menu
Totally remaked app => it looks better
Added Chinese translation
Strange window don't appear after applying
Fixed tabs
Added arrows
Fixed fonts
Qt4 theme installing was automatized
Fixed trouble with appearance of apps started by root (instruction in readme)
Now gtk-kde4 have the daemon. It changes GTK themes in runtime,it means you haven't to press "Apply" after every time you change KDE theme.
Some code cleaning and appearance fixes
Daemon seems to be fixed
Apps running by sudo started using your current style
Partial ability to use KDE icons
Fix of Check boxes and Radio buttons appearance
Added ability to use current KDE font
Fixed main colors. Added colorizing of tooltips
Added Brazilian Portuguese translation
Daemon is now invisible
Many code cleanings and bugfixes
Fixes of Spinboxes, LineEdits, different frames, Tabs, Toolbuttons appearances
Added ability to change Menu and Menubar colors for tricky themes like Bespin
Moved to KDE translations system using *.po files
Button for applying settings for superuser
New icon (btw app is now placed in "Lost and Found" in systemsettings)
And now it would be great to hear usablity advices, bugs reports and translations from you. Thank you all in advance.
And yeah, no binary and *.deb packages for now, because it somewhat testing release.
Ratings & Comments
Hello ! Are you able to port this to GTK3 so GTK-KDE4 will help us unify Qt4 and GTK3 apps appearance. Thank you very much !
I second this! Would be really really nice to see my current theme on all GTK apps! Compliance is almost there too...
Try this for easy setup of both GTK2 and GTK3: http://www.netrunner-os.com/gtk2-gtk3-configuration-under-kde/
OK, thanks!
You're welcome! :)
could it be named as something more converntial, such as gtk-kde4-0.9.4.tar.gz, instead of this weird gtk-kde4(src)0.9.4.tar.gz ? That would make packager's work a bit easier.
yep. after upgrade gtk-kde4 doesn't work. That's bad, yea..
Was working before, but now strangely after a power outage, it no longer works. I'm using KDE-4.6 so i'm guessing it might be related (still strange though that it was working but no more).
Hi, that's me again, with my beautyful english! If i run a Program by script at autostart, or after some longer scripts, there is no gtk-Theme any more. If i restart them from the Menu, everything works again. Have a nice Day! Bye!
After adding oxygencursors (0.0.2010-05-10-kde4.4.3-1ubuntu1) maverick, i had to run "sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme" to change both Themes (for KDE and GTK). I had also reconfigure the Theme Settings for gtk, because my windows were without any (gtk)Theme after changing the Cursor-theme.
Hi! Works fine on my Kubuntu 10.10 , 64 Bit ;) I think also, it would be good to have a 64 Bit Version, if it's possible to you. Anyway i compiled it, made checkinstall, everything (symlinks.sh too) works fine! (No bug till now, i had a lot of Problems with the older Versions) Thank you!
P.S. (Source code 0.9.5b (114 kb)) Version
hi! the fonts in my gtk apps doesn't rendere with proper antialiasing.. any advice to fix it? of course my kde/qt apps look fine
I'm sorry, but app doesn't take care about antialiasing. But if you need it, i put this thing into my todo list. Thanks.
yes please! or there are other ways to do it?
It finally works now, I can just check "use current kde theme" and it will use it I don't need qtcurve anymore ) Well done and thank you very much.
:-= sry, piedro
Hello! I desperately need a 64bit Ubuntu 10.04 verion. I have no idea how to correctly compile this by myself. Is there anywhere a working deb file for my purpose? Or a ppa with 64bit support? thx for any help, piedro
Hi! Plz couls anyone provide a link for a lucid lynx 64bit package? I don't know how to compile this. thx for your help, piedro
Hi, Please can you also provide .RPM packages for Fedora!
(as can't get this to compile on Fedora 13...)
This is what I get btw: [root@COOLERMASTER gtk-kde4]# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/share/kde4 -- The CXX compiler identification is unknown CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found. Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name. CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:98 (MESSAGE): ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in /root/.kde/share/apps;/usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/apps;/usr/share/kde4/apps Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:3 (FIND_PACKAGE) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! [root@COOLERMASTER gtk-kde4]#
I'm not really sure, but check if you have g++, gcc, cmake installed. Because I have no Fedora and even no experience in making *.rpm packages I can't help you anyhow
Hi, Thanks for the message. Cmake is definitely installed, but I'll check the other bits! Cheers, itsjustarumour :)
Yeah and there is some *.rpm packages for other distros, not sure if they suitable for you, but try googling "gtk-kde4".