Find in Menus (Mockup)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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Many applications have very confusing menus or simply have so many actions that you can't find the one you are looking for, even though you know it's name.

Therefore I thought a quick find feature would be cool. You just begin to type the menu items name in the textbox. If there are several menus which contain a item with a name containing the searchstring, all are marked.

If the searchstring uniquely defines a item, then the menus are expanded and the item is selected. Then hitting enter executes the action.

I didn't program Qt/KDE before, so I can't quickly implement such a widget. And I do not have time to dig into the matter. So if anyone who has the necessary knowledge thinks this (or something similar) is a great idea: Please implement it!

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I agree that it would be much useful. for me the text box is not a big problem to see, but if it is better to hide it somewhere, it could be as the one in thebat mail client... just a question button next to minimize, maximize buttons and a dialog coming out after... here is a screenshot from it..


It's a cool idea, but I think I'd find the text input field a little disturbing, especially in small windows. Maybe it would be possible to put the text field in the "Help" menu? Out of the way, still easy to access.


Great idea! Easy but effective. But I think silence is right - a complete text field might be a bit too mutch. What about a small button on the left or right end of each menu bar? You click on it (or hover over) and then a textfield appears. Would make the thing "invisible" if you don't need it but right there if you want it.


Hey, and it's not so hard to implement, I'll try to modify the qt code to make it add such an edit box on all the menues... I'll try to do it tomorrow, and post it here then Again, nice idea


Would be great, if you do so! (A ubuntu package of the result would even be more great. ;) ) But Ekardnam pointed out that there is a similar mockup there: I think that mockup might be even better, but a little bit more to program, though.


I like the idea :)

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