Update3: some asked for an apt-gettable source so here it is:
deb ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/kazit/debs ./
but this repository is mainly meant for my little hebrew knoppix distro/packages that i couldn't find in debian sources.
Update2: changed package name to:
so now it shouldn't break your apt (sorry).
Update1: now compiled with version 1.7.2 of the patch
Note: if you want to install the old kwin package back type:
apt-get install kwin/unstable
I built one for myself and thought it might be nice as a deb package so it can save compilation time for other people. it's kwin3.2.1 from Sid with this patch:
after you install it you should go to
kcontrol->appearance->window decorations->'shadows' tab
and enable the shadows, then you should restart X or retart kwin if you know how.
if this doesn't work for you just apt-get install kwin again and compile it by yourself you lazy ****

have fun.
Ratings & Comments
Looks nice. Could I talk you into adding the KWin Delay Focus patch? Linkage: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=12536
I've downloaded deb package, it's so cool and looks good! But i've a randomly set wallpaper, its place pictures minutes to minutes. And when its turn to the next wallpaper, around the shadowed window the last picture elements will be, not the shadow. How could i fix that? (random wallpaper is so cool, so i need it too :))
well, these shadows are just a hack anyway - to solve this, you'll have to wait for reall transparancy and shadows in X.
yeah, but when i turn on konsole transparency, it refresh the konsole "transparention" and it shows the new wallpaper to seems like its transparent. can this patch do the same? if the wallpaper is changed it redraw the shadow.
Unfortunately, this breaks dependencies of some kde metapackages, if installed via apt-get it wants to remove kde-amusements, kde-core and kdebase. Can you make a package with a higher build number?
I confirm the problem: i could install your last deb package with: dpkg -i kwin_3.2.1-0shadow1.7.2_i386.deb But after this, the system ask me to do a: apt-get -f install to resolve a version problem: your kwin-shadow 1.7.2 package version is older that the actual kwin version package. Could you please repair this? Thanks for your work :-), very good idea.
oops, i gave it a bad version, ok i'll fix it.
Any chance you could prepare a deb based on version of 0.7.1 KWin Shadow patch? Thanks!
196 downloads and only a 67% rating, what a damn shame. Thanks for the deb and eliminating the need for a recompile, if I could mod this up 100% I would. :) Absolutely brilliant. Thanks!
Yes, thanks for compiling! :)
How are you getting that shadow under kicker? Is that done in the wallpaper, or by kwin? For some reason, it does not show up on my debian unstable (apt-gotten a day or so ago).
You have to enable it. See the wizard in the second screenshot.
Works fine. Thanks ;)