Kassie (Kate Advanced Session Selector)

Various KDE 1.-4. Improvements

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Kassie (Kate Advanced Session Selector) is an applet meant to replace Kate's icon in your Kicker panel. A cut-down version is also available as KMenu extension. Kassie has two purposes:

Session Selector/Switcher
Click on Kassie's icon. A popup menu appears. It contains the list of the running sessions (if any) and the list of the available sessions (as accessible through Kate's Session menu). The list of Running Sessions allows you to jump from one session to another. This will automatically restore the window and switch the desktop if needed. The list of the available sessions (known by Kate) allows you to open in a new window one of the previously saved sessions. You can also create a new named session from this menu.

Drop Manager
You can drop files on Kassie's icon. A popup menu will appear to let you choose where these files will be opened: In one of the running sessions or in a new one to which you will have to give a name. This allows to drop files in any Kate's window, even if it is not visible, either because it is on another desktop, minimized, or non-existing yet.

Both menus contain the entry "Start Kate" that mimics the behavior of Kate's icon when you click it or drop files on it, i.e. it creates sessions without name --displayed as "(Anonymous)" by Kassie.
Last changelog:

- The session selector/switcher is now a single menu which contains both the running sessions (if any) and the available sessions. You don't need to use the keyboard any more.
- A cut-down version without drag and drop management is now available as KMenu extension.
- Kassie now has its own icon.

- First public release

Ratings & Comments



Is this only a Kicker applet, or can it be added to the KMenu, too, as can be done with the version by Anders? I prefer my session selecters (Konsole and Kate) to be stowed away in the KMenu.


Sorry, this is only an applet. You can't drop files on the KMenu although this would be very useful. I seldom use the KMenu but I may think about adding a cut-down version for this purpose, depending on how my collaboration with Anders will turn out. ;-) Wait and see... This is only the very first version of Kassie.


Hi, Were you aware of KateSessionMenu (http://www.alweb.dk/projects/kate_session_menu) when you wrote this? It is now part of the default distribution, and is shipped with KDE since ver 3.5.6.


I can see that you offers some extra features, if you are interrested, it would be nice to see those in the menu we provide with kate. Please contact me at anders@alweb.dk, or in #kate in irc.kde.org, or our mailing list, kwrite-devel@kde.org


Yes, I know about Kate Session Menu. I was surprized to see it appear in French when I updated to KDE 3.5.6. I liked it but I decided to write my own session manager after I found out it still doesn't support drag and drop and that it was impossible to add such a feature without a total re-write --what I did for Kassie.

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