a applications-KIO slave.
just applications:// in konqi/wherever.
- applications accessible throughout the system
- drag'n'drop to change menu (! imho the current application to do this sucks... !)
- drag'n'drop for installation of applications (this has to be supported by the software/distribution of course)
- file open with - dialogue could use it (maybe even just making it a normal "file open..." dialogue!)
- I hope we can make the k-menu allow drag'n'drop (you can only drag something from the K-menu, not in - and within.)
Well, there is a mockup. But I'm no coder. I guess everybody is getting tired of ppl having proposals, idea's etc - but no throwing-in of code... I'm sorry, if so. But IF someone COULD do this, it might make KDE a little bit better. So it whould make us all happy, isnt it? So I thought, well, what the heck, lets do this

something else I hope for, by the way, maybe in KDE 4.0:
- Alot applications are becoming a kpart, isnt it? I guess its easy to change a kpart in a KIO slave. Well, I whould love it to just open konqueror, browse to a kwordfile, doubleclick (middleclick is open in kword, isnt it?) and it opens. I can of course edit it now... So I split the view. And open mail://, and open a email. And compare. And drag'n'drop text... So now I open a tab, and open just a website. And drag'n'drop some text from it to the kword file I opened in the other tab... And of course we open another bunch of tabs

Now someone comes in, so I save the tabs as a bookmark-folder, so I can continue my work later...
We can always dream, cant we?
BTW thanx, coders from the KDE project, you guys are doing great work!
Ratings & Comments
Hi! IMHO it would be nice to allow the user to search for meta-keywords in the application / programm tree. With the growing number off apps it's gettin g more and more difficult to find the rigth one. cu ferdinand
thats a really great idea!!!
Here is a screenshot of a real window... http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=18467
what are you using for your clock applet? that looks really cool!
kstyleclock with centurion theme (kde-look for both)
I've tried both a kde-look and google search for kstyleclock and get nothing :/
This is a planned feature for KDE 3.4 (i mean r/w support for programs and settings kioslave)
URL: programs:/ in kde 3.3.1 works for me and has exactly the same thing you have there me thinks
Not quite: Most important functions like delete, move, rename do not exist here (KDE 3.3.0)
Under KDE and this proposed KIO mechanism, what the user sees as an application is *not* the application. This can cause some serious user workflow problems. Remember the principle of least astonishment. If you present an application to the user as if it were a file, then they will expect it to behave as a file. What exactly is the "appliction? Is it the .desktop file, a similar abstraction, or the actual set of files that comprise an installed application? If one deletes an "application", should the actual application in the package database be uninstalled? If one moves the "application" to a different folder, what happens to references to that application? What happens to the K menu entries if you rename one of these "applications"? Or what if someone copies the "application" to a flashdrive and gives it to a friend? In other words, are these abstact "applications" hard links, soft links, copies, shadows, etc. Are they distinct and concrete files, or are they ephemeral abstractions? A far better solution than that web of linguistics, is to simply figure out what the user really wants when they say they want to "delete, move or rename" an application. Is this for the purpose of editing and manipulating the menu, or for managing system packages? Depending on what the user *really* wants (and many times the user doesn't know himself), a KIO solution could end up exacerbating the problem instead of solving it. Imagine if Mac OSX application bundles were implemented using the KIO mechanism...
Nice tip! :)
Yeah totally nice tip. I like this better actually. All you would need to do is add an add, delete and rename to the context menu...would be much nicer and more coordinated with the other URL:/ features in KDE.