Kubuntu with Suse Kickoff Edgy Elf 6.10
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
There is a port for SabayonLinux gentoo.@ http://www.zugaina.org/gentoo/sabayon/portage/kde-base/kicker/kicker-3.5.5-r99.ebuild
Originally Posted as a screen shot because the first compile from source was 102 MB. Later linked from Ubuntu.fr which is now available from deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/ edgy 3v1n0. This download has a modified start button.
Source: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/suse_kickoff/
12-17-06 Updated start button with mouseover color change.
12-19-06 Screen shot updated
Ratings & Comments
I really like this menu! Great work! But there's one thing i would like to know: is there any way to change the opacity of the menu? greets maaax
very nice work...however I would like to change the Kubuntu button to KDE and link it to KDE-Look. I checked both /usr/share/apps/kicker and ./kde/share/apps/kicker But cant find the button image, or the config file to change the URL. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks Scott
Hi Scott, I have been trying to find out how to change the branding icon and it's link in the Kickoff menu for a while now. I saw your posting abou the same thing. Did you every get the answer to this and fix it....or are you still trying to find out how to do it? If you know how to change could you please tell me how?! Thanks Chris
How to compile this from source? The source you gave contains a lot of stuff I already have (like, kicker, klipper, kate, omfg, whole kde (or a lot of kde))
Hi! How can i change the button's image?
My kickoff menu doesn't show anything in the recent application tab, only documents are listed there. I guess it is a configuration problem, but I can't figure out where to look, any suggestion? thanks!
Where can i find a 64 bits package ? Thanx
I would also like to see a 64-bit version for AMD64
So would I and all the 64 bit Linux users.
YES YES YES we want it !
Thanks for the package! I tried, used it for 3 days, and found that its slower to use, then the normal KDE menu. Looks like there is no way to customize this thing.
Sorry, but I don't know how I can use KickOff. I downloaded the .deb and installation was OK. I don't know how can I start it. (sorry my english)
As a general rule you should right-click your Kicker panel and select "Add applet" option. If there is no such option, you will have to use the "Unlock panels" option first. Hope this applies to Kickoff, too..
Sorry, but I don't know how I can use KickOff. I downloaded the .deb and installation was OK. I don' know how can I start it. (sorry my english)
The source link you gave above is no more maintained by the kickoff developers since november. Also the package provided here is the old version of kickoff... The right address is: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/suse_kickoff_qstyle/ This new version fixes a lot of issues mentioned here like the resizing of the button, is more configurable and simply runs better... For those who want to build it from source, take a look here and download the ArchLinux PKGBUILDs, there is everything included: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=52160 The PKGBUILDs are just scripts and are pretty easy to understand, and it should be no problem to adapt the build process for other distros... Good Luck and have fun :)
It would be very nice if you make this one in many sizes like small or tiny or big to meet others needs....that would be very nice.. Or if you can make it to resize auto with the size of the kicker i dont know if that can be happened but if can be.. it would be very nice also .... thanks
i will try it ... thanks
the download link is broken, when I click I strumble on a page which says : "The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher or use our search engine to find a file or folder:" snif :'(
hope that's what you're looking for: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Tools/Suse-Kickoff-for-Kubuntu-20919.shtml
I tried a precedent version on Debian Etch, it did not work... As far as I remember, it missed a version of gcc (not sure of myself), the one hold in the debian testing repository beeing not the latest one... I'll be glad to reinstall this package to give you the exact librairy missing, but it was quite messy the last time, i needed to reinstall kicker in order to get back my applets and stuff. I'm a newbie, but if i can help to compile it, i'll be glad... I really like this menu.
Works just fine with Kubuntu 6.10. No problems with installation.
are there any chances to amd64 version of kickoff?
Where'd ya get the little clock applet in your kicker pannel from?
I tried to create animated buttons for kickoff... the problem is that even if i created these pics with gimp, i cannot open them again...
Hi there i found a deb packet for Kickoff here http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2006/12/12/kickoff-for-kde-now-also-available-for-kubuntu-edgy/ for me it works good after a restart