This link it is only a Desktop-file for Kde4 who delete the icon-cache of kde4 open konsole and execute this script and there for can rebuild KDE with the actual Icons a new Cache and let show from there on all Icons correckt !
Happy keyboardhacking

Download - decompress - move it on you desktop or anywere who you like to have

p.s.: my Icontheme = Real Time
Ratings & Comments
Its working very well ! thank you !
You're welcome! best regards Blacky and ps: the other from adso it only kiddy-imbecility ;) and i bet his account it's only a fake account ..
There is so much wrong with this script. Use it at your peril.
Hy, it is interesting if you warned about if can edit the script by self and can see what's it is do. Why want you get a warned out for all, if you be lazy to edit this script and show by self what's goes on.. shame on you ... best regards Blacky
firstly the prefix is not always right many installations use .kde. second deleting part of the system cache breaks parts of kde which require logging out then in again to rebuild the entire cache directory. stupid. its one thing to delete the entire desktop cache, but deleting only parts of it makes no sense. that's why i warn ppl about using this script.
Now I've had time to mull this over... if there's an icon problem you logout and back in causing the entire sys cache to be rebuilt. If you use this script, you force icons to get messed up - look at the mess in dolphin as the example. So you logout and back in causing the entire sys cache to be rebuilt. This script does no good at all just forces icons to go out of sync. Secondly, there are no basic sanity tests in the script - for many users it will try to cd into a non-existant directory! Test for files/dirs before operating on them - Bash 101. Sorry, this is just script-kiddy nonsense.
This published script is bullshit - sorry. But how can i rebuild the icon cache correct?
*lol* you comment is bullshit, sorry.. if you do not like the script, don't use it.. and do not try profile your self there .. this is like a kiddy.. where mus say.. i don't like the spinat.. but you have eat it.., so, what's the fail there on ? Find out for yourself !
*lol* 1. you can edit, before you use 2. with this script is nothing, it works well.. if you use it, do you it by own risk particularly , if you not control it what you execute.... and later complain here, you mus be an Troll ! *lol* Regards Blacky