Ambiance Refined
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is a modification of the Ambiance theme. Hope you enjoy!
I have added a Ambiance Refined II theme that can be found here.
http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php?content=126580 Last changelog:
I have added a Ambiance Refined II theme that can be found here.
Just wanted to let everyone know that a Ambiance Refined Theme Extension has been created for Goolge Chrome by tobiash. Below is the link.
Wednesday June 16
Fixed some bugs that were causing the theme not to install properly.
Ratings & Comments
hey im a really big fan of ur theme and i was wondering if you can make a refined, number three based on ubuntu 10.10. THANKS
Hey, I actually just made an Ambiance refined III a few days ago. http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Ambiance+Refined+III?content=133672
It's really good theme, but it can die, cause of bumping:( People look on the first page and see "Ambiance Refined" and think "WTF? again this? ARRGGGHH I rate bad!" Anyway, really good job, maybe it's even more better than original Ambiance;)
Hi, I have some problems with your theme : Your folder theme is named "AmbiancedRefined" instead of "AmbianceRefined" And your theme is named "Ambiance" instead of "AmbianceRefined" and point to Ambiance controls and borders instead of yours. It's a new theme so it has to have its own name I think. In your index.theme, you should replace 3 of lines by : - Name=Ambiance Refined - GtkTheme=AmbianceRefined - MetacityTheme=AmbianceRefined And in your metacity-theme-1.xml file : <name>AmbianceRefined</name> Then, I think it will be ok :)
Hey, thanks for the heads up. I've now fixed these issues. If you find any other problems let me know. Thanks
Your persistence is phenomenal.Don't worry about a change log, it's so f.... clean.Everybody else is just envying you.I want to be your friend, but I'm not sure if I'm worth it.Good vote from me of course.
Sorry guys I will stop bumping it.
When the F**k? You updated it again 12 hours ago! Write a changelog, if you changed sth (which i doubt)
So why DO you keep bumping it? I doubt that I'll ever check out any more themes from you just because of this nonsense.
Grow up, the dude is trying and your useless complaining isn't helping anyone. The fact that you notice each time he bumps just goes to show how ...ah forget it.
Hi there. If you update the content, please, pretty please, start a versioning numbering and add a changelog, no matter how mini the change, it will show a) that you maintain this, and b) WHAT it is you are doing. thanks.
Hey, sorry I haven't been updating it Ive just been bumping it. If I do make any changes I will make a change log of it.
Well, don't "bump". Good themes shine by being a) recognized - I usually sort once by "newest" and once by "highest rated" if I look for something fresh. b) maintained and bugfixed. Bumping is something to do in gaming boards where everyone flames oneanother anyways and other low-netiquette areas of the internet. In any proper, quality surrounding visited by rather witted persons that like the content, this is looked really badly upon. So don't think your theme sucks if you look at the rating, it doesn't actually. You way of promoting however is a rude and very unpolite offence towards the visitors and the other artists/programmers. So, word of advice: DONT BUMP.
Please stop bumping the theme up for no change at all. I will now vote down. Thanks. /izo\
Every day there is an update of this theme, but nobody knows what kind of update,could you write the changelog please?
Hey, I just added another screenshot pointing out the changes.
ok, you made a mod of a theme that already sux. Clap clap. Stop updating that shit 10 times a day, and let real designers do their job. Thanx
Your butt is attached to a small brain. Grow up.
Well, I was going to say that his head was firmly implanted in said butt but I'll go with what you said. Oh... too late I guess.
I's a shame that the colors of Ambiance aren't preserved, but Nice Work
The window borders and panels are awesome! This made me go back to the default theme! Thanks a lot!