
GTK2 Themes

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This time, while I was taking a look into the code of Archiplex, Shiki-Colors and Cleanlook, I had an idea to create a new set of themes. It took me nearly a week to come up with this result. Definitely, ClearGlow, among the themes I already created so far, is the one whose whole concept was thoroughly thought and reflected upon the most before I decided to release it.

First I wanted to reproduce a bit of the look of my Glow suite, especially on the buttons, but then the concept evolved and I started introducing some other ideas. Considering this theme is based only in the Clearlooks and Murrine engines, I came up with the name ClearGlow.

I was thinking of using the Murrine SVN engine first, but considering that in previous themes I had many adverse reactions from some of my users who found the installation of new engines was too much of a difficult process, I decided to postpone the adoption of Murrine SVN, at least for a while.

The only bugs I was able to found so far came from the Mozzila apps, namingly: the Add Bookmark Dialog from Firefox 3; and the titles of some sections of the Preferences dialog on Thunderbird. These widgets are using the menu background color along with the text color from the lighter widgets. In other words, it's dark text over a dark background. It's still readable, but not optimal. If you find any other bugs or if you know of a solution for the already pointed out problems, please let me know.

While I was taking these screenshots, I was using the Calibri font, bold weight, size 8. The icon theme is Eikon, a personal assemblage of various icons I found throughout the Web.

To get the most recent updates to Eikon, now on its second generation, please check this website:

The download package includes the GTK2 theme and a Metacity correspondent. I hope you enjoy ClearGlow. If you don't, please tell me what could be improved before you hit the "Voting Bad" button. Thank you in advance.
Last changelog:

0.0.1 - First version of the theme released;
0.0.2 - Increased the highlight ratio of the progress bars; tried to redefine the right hue for each color variant; deleted from the packaged the less tested colors, at least for now;
0.0.3 - More compact menus; included index.theme files with the themes and created a separate folder for the Metacity theme (you might want to remove your old version of ClearGlow or back it up elsewhere).

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Hi, I'm using clearglow and I'm liking it a lot, thanks for it. I could fix the scrollbar width problem easily per your instructions (I needed 14 pixels). The only trouble I'm having is that the metacity window border icons (maximize/minimize/close) are too small to point and click. This is a usability problem for me. Can you tell me how to make the clickable area surrounding the icons somewhat bigger? TIA


Hey this is probably a problem somewhere on my end but your theme randomly reverts back to the default ugly gray theme. I'll post the terminal output here... thanks for taking a look. " /home/linuser/.themes/ClearGlow Green/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:398: Invalid symbolic color 'selected_bg_color' /home/linuser/.themes/ClearGlow Green/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:398: error: invalid identifier `selected_bg_color', expected valid identifier (liferea:6640): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_style_detach: assertion `style->attach_count > 0' failed "


I have the same problem. After installing the theme, it reverts back to the default theme, except the background is in black. Looks ugly :P


Where the icons are gone? I don't see the link.


I had to remove the link after the issue the previous poster mentioned. I will do a new upload as soon as possible. Sorry and thanks for the message.


I've been looking for a really good theme like this since i first installed linux(ubuntu) on my computer..excellent theme!I'm having though a problem with the eikon icon theme..some of the icons don't appear.The home folder icon,desktop, pictures, videos.. I'm using just a regular ubuntu 8.04 hardy heron.And if you like to tell exactly what type of fonts(and their size) you used when you took those screenshots,that would be great!Anyway..thank you for this great theme!Cheers!


I found out that many of the symlinks inside of the version I posted of that icon set were pointing to absolute paths, that is, including my own home folder. That means that obviously they wouldn't work in any other PC because they would be pointing to nowhere. So I've been trying to redo all of the symlinks and checking them all over before doing a new upload. I'm very very sorry for the trouble I caused. I'll be re-uploading Eikon again soon.


No need to apologize my friend!No problem at all!You have done a great work here.I must thank you for your time and effort!Cheers!


This this is realy great! I love it ! Thin scrollbars make page tabs in OO Spreadsheet very small and I don't like that. So, how can I make scrollbars wider?


Hello there! Thanks for the message and your interest on this theme. For thicker scrollbars, please open the gtkrc file of the ClearGlow variant you're using and change the following setting: GtkRange::slider-width = 10 the value you desire. In your case, it should be a greater number. I hope I helped. If you have any other questions, please ask.


Thanks! This helped :-)


First of all, your theme is one of the best in gnome-look. Your choice of the fonts is what makes this theme so beautiful. But I have a suggestion about the fonts- Calibri looks really cool, but in Firefox 3 the web pages Calibri doesn't really look good. I used Lucida Grande Bold at size 7 and it doesn't clash with Firefox. Just sth to make this great theme greater.


Please! Upload your icon theme! I'm using an older version, but the "new" version in your screenshots is much better! Please! Please! Congratulations for this theme! It's awesome!


Read above. I just added the link to the theme's description, after reading your request, and many others'. It's just a beta release of the new direction I'm giving to Eikon. I hope you enjoy it!


Beautifully done fmrbpensador! Bravo! I cannot identify the music player in the second screenshot. I like its minimalistic interface which contains all the features I need. Could anyone tell me? Thanks!


Thanks for the compliments! And the music player is Sonata, a GUI frontend for MPD (the Music Player Daemon).


Thanks a lot!


Hi,when I run synaptic (I run it as root) the window theme isn't clear glow. For any normal app it works fine and it's beautiful,but when I run any app like root it looks quite bad. If I run that app like an user it works just fine. Any idea? Thanks


Sudo apps don't use any themes installed in your home folder. Not by default anyway. You can either install all your themes under /usr/share themes, from now on, OR make a symlink (a shortcut) of your .themes folder inside of /root.


Hi,could you please upload that icon theme? Thanks! PD: incredible theme ;)


I just installed your themes, and each and every one of them shows up as GNOME's default theme, which looks very plain-Jane, no differences in color or anything (engine problem?). Any ideas what's up with this? They look good in the screenshots, but being able to actually enjoy them in all their glory is another matter right now. Fred in St. Louis, MO


What immediately comes across my mind is indeed the possibility of an engine issue going on. I would ask you if you have both Clearlooks and Murrine installed, but then again those are already included by default in so many distros... Just let me know something: after applying any of the ClearGlow themes, try running an application through the terminal. Then tell me what error messages does it present.


Oh, and also... Which operating system are you using? There are some features in the more recent Clearlooks' versions which might lack on, say, Ubuntu Gutsy and others from the same period.


I'm running Xubuntu Gutsy (7.10).


I don't usually post comments so that I don't have to keep track but I had to say "good work" ... so GOOD WORK!!!! Love the themes!

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version 0.0.3
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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