Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Glow is actually a set of several themes, with 8 variations: Cinder (grey); Fire (red); Flower (pink); Grass (green); Ice (silver blue); Lava (darker orange); Sand (orange); and Water (blue). Each of these variations has two designs, light and dark. I'm still trying to test if especially the dark versions work well in all apps. The usual individual tricks you know from other dark themes may still apply. Let me know how it can be improved.
If you're using the GNOME panel, please pick the pixmap I'm providing for the panels as their background, on the panel properties, if you want your inactive buttons on the tasklist to become invisible. The Xfce users have an easy to enable similar function at the Xfce4-panel's tasklist properties.
If you want to replace the panel's background with another pixmap or with a transparency, please comment the correspondent line in the Panel.rc file, using a hash sign, like this:
#bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "panel.png"
This theme is not a finished, definitive work. As always, there might be some aspects to change and improve. Therefore, and in the spirit of what was said above in this description, if you feel you have to vote this theme down, please let me know why, in order that we can work on this theme in a constructive way. Thanks in advance.
Also many thanks to ochosi and islington for the window decoration themes they created. The links to their work are now being provided below. Thanks to Ayoli for once more helping me out with the theme's code.
On the screenshots, I'm using the Eikon icon theme, which is a personal icon collection with several works found across the Web that I've been maintaining for myself, and that after several requires I decided to share in non-official releases.
To get the most recent updates to Eikon, now on its second generation, please check this website: http://drop.io/fmrbpensador
0.1.0 - 6 colour variants and 2 designs;
0.1.1 - Fixed the tab colour issue on the dark themes;
0.1.2 - Two more colour variants;
0.1.3 - Brightened up the colours of the scrollbars on the darker versions, and as for the inactive selected areas, they're now dark grey, without any coloured influence;
0.1.4 - Fixed Gedit's left pane bug (corrected the panel.rc file to the effect - solution found at the GNOME colors project code); changed the size of the large toolbar icons to 24 pixels; added a pixmap as a background to the panels;
0.1.5 - Removed the dark limits of the panel's pixmap;
1.0.0 - Metacity versions available, both for the light and the dark variants of Glow;
1.0.1 - Solved the right-click context menus bug; reduced the size of arrows; changed the engine of the menus to Clearlooks; increased the saturation of the scrollbars;
1.0.2 - Changed the panels' engine back to Aurora, with a smoother pixmap as the background;
1.0.3 - Changed the treeview's engine and also the menus to Murrine (with the Clearlooks substyle); brighter and slightly larger scrollbars;
1.0.4 - Reverted all the Murrine widgets to Clearlooks because of issues with older versions of the Murrine engine; also learnt not to be too creative either.
Ratings & Comments
It's a great work!!! Thank you!!!
Having some issues on my amd64 install with gnome, not being able to open an usbharddrive without nautilus blackens?? any workaround for this, or could it be nautilus, thats failing?? Kind Regards MikeDK
this is really irritating, cause i really like Glow, it dont do it on other themes, just your Glow theme, could this please be corrected, dont know how to trace the error. Kind Regards MikeDK
Great theme ! but it seems icons in submenus (like when i click on File or Edit) does not show up. I have tried basic themes that come with aurora 1.4 and it is ok. What is the code i should look at in your theme ? Thx
http://box-look.org/content/show.php?content=94762 more colors to come
Hello, I really love this theme. I just wanted t know what icon themes you're using on your screenshots. Thanks
So I installed this theme in Ubuntu with the good ol' drag-and-drop method. The theme applied nicely, but the window border did not. I tried to select it by customizing, but it's not in the list. I tried moving the theme folder to /usr/share/themes manually, but couldn't get anything to show up. What should I be doing?
I liked this more before you decided to mess with the panel. where can I get an older version?
Concerning the "mess", please read the theme's description and also some previous comments about the same subject. Meanwhile, I'll try to come up with a better solution. Are you saying that the previous flat Murrine panels were better? Is the pixmap background I'm providing what bothers you? Please be more explicit so that we can actually improve the theme.
sorry to interfer, but tbh i liked the flat murrine panel buttons better. (i also really liked the flat buttons about elegant brit btw) about the panel-background: at least to me not such an important topic, cause you can so easily enable or disable it.
Hello, is it possible to get a dark menu background for the light designs?
Hi, great theme! I found a little bug in metacity theme: try to look top corners when the window is over a white\gray background, i think there aren't some pixels. Sorry for my english.. thanks for your work! :)
Yes indeed. It's actually due to the fact Metacity doesn't allow anti-aliasing of round borders yet. I might eventually modify the Metacity theme in order to include pixmaps instead of trusting in its own rendering abilities. Thanks for your message.
I liked it better when it didnt mess with the color of my panel
Thanks for the message. I explained how to take care of it at the description of the theme. Please read it. I'll try to find out a better solution, as I also said in a previous message, right here at the comment box.
Great work! What font were u using when u took those screenshots? Thanks in advance!
I'm using Calibri bold, size 8.
Thanks a lot. Even better then before. Rated+
Hi, I lovo you job... it is very clean and cool!!! I have just a question, is there a way to remove lines between toolbar and menubar (like MacOs)? Thanks for your job. masand
Hi there! Thanks for the message! To be honest, I don't know (yet) how to do that, or whether it is possible, but it does sound like a nice idea. I'll try to read more about it, if I find any useful information.
Thanks!!! I looking forward to your news. Again, great job!!! masand
Something is wrong, I have the aurora, murrine, and of course clearlooks engines installed correctly (I know that because I have used themes that use the engines properly before) When I load it up I get the panel pixmaps, and that is about it... the rest is default GTK gray ugliness...
Yep, same for me. Old 0.1.3 Version was working. Using Aurora 1.4 (latest version I think) on Ubuntu Hardy and Murrine from distros repo. Currenlty I'm stuck to the old version, but great theme anyway.
ya, I was wondering if I needed to update my engines or something, but as long as the murrine that came with ubuntu is the up to date version it should be fine, but it is not, from my own experience, if 1 little typo is in the gtkrc the whole thing breaks... maybe there is one in the new version?
Everything is working fine on my PC. I'm clueless for now. Glow is a set of 16 themes. Are all of them broken on your side? If not, which is? I downloaded the uploaded version of the themes myself, and they're loading fine. I'm trying to find out what is wrong.