Elegant Mine

GTK2 Themes

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This is a dark theme inspired by the work done with Elegant Brit, with some slight deviations to the original concept. Elegant Mine: from the dullness of the coal, one can extract wonderful diamonds. It's a matter of working in team.

I've been thinking about doing another versions of Elegant Mine with different colours. More on that as soon as possible.

As usual, all the bug reports, comments and suggestions will be welcome. Even though I'm not always around to post as much on the comment box, I'm always reading what you folks write, and every participation is worth gold. Remember, it's all about the community. Sorry for the apparent lack of attention or updates.

The ZIP package I'm providing includes an Emerald theme and a TAR.GZ with the GTK theme and its Metacity, Xfwm4 and Openbox equivalents. Also with a custom userChrome.css for Firefox and Thunderbird and an icon for the main menu of your desktop.

On the CURRENT screenshots: Blue Curves wallpaper from PurposeOfReason; Nu (an Artwiz type) for the fonts; a custom icon theme assembled from several sources and licenses, including proprietary ones. It's called Eikon, and it has evolved a lot in the last few weeks, so there are some considerable changes. I'm sharing Eikon on a non-official basis, with all those who are interested on checking it out.

To get the most recent updates to Eikon, now on its second generation, please check this website: http://drop.io/fmrbpensador

On the previous screenshot, there was the Niva wallpaper from the Amana project, and I was using Neutra Text SC Alt as the font.
Last changelog:

1.0.1: fixed the progress bar unreadable font (and finally, a description text on the theme's webpage);
1.0.2: some changes on the colours of the theme (a darker blue and darker tones of gray, and I also lightened up the black items).

Ratings & Comments



Best theme ever! It just keeps me coming back all the time. Simple, clear, attractive, and functional.


Very nice, your buttons are on the left side, you are a mac user?


Nice clean theme. Thanks! Voted good.


oh man, what a cool work!!! i really like it!, it's one of the best theme I've ever seen since I'm skinning my computer machine (how much skin do I see on my life, since when I was using WindowBlinds and VisualStyles on WinXP?? Uh, it's a number too big to remember..!).. I'm using Elegant Mine since I discovered it: fantastic, man.. really!! Good work, I wishes you themes good like this for all your life!! bye!


The Elegant Series have the best themes i've seen till now, just awesome. Thank you very much to share these awesome themes fmrbpensador. Please, how can i get that cool colored and bold "Date'n'Clock" as in the Elegant Mine screens?


The Elegant Series have the best themes i've seen till now, just awesome. Thank you very much to share this. Someone know how to get that colored and bold "Date'n'Clock" as in the Elegant Mine screens?


So sorry for the double post :( I tryed to edit the first one, but that do not worked. I'm new to opencontents.org. Sorry.


I like it! Very futuristic theme I should say... Can I use your work for my personal (private use) theme? :)


I really like this theme :). I use it for about a week now i don't need another theme! In the description you mention to make the elegant mine in other colors, i would really like to see that happen. I like the elegant brit theme but prefer the black colors. If you are going to make a elegant mine version with another color i would prefer the red/orange color used in brit. This theme is very populair by the way. There are icons available, wallpapers, GDM themes and splash screens (hope i didnt forgot something). I did make a elegant mine icon pack based on the icons from servechilled. You can find it here if you like: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Elegant+Mine+Icon+pack?content=79031


Love the theme, it's what I use. Thanks for the icon set! ;) It's really the best compilation of icons I've seen thus far. I have two problems: 1. Thunderbird... if I group my inbox, the groups are unreadable because they use light text on a light background. If you use thunderbird, then you can sort by, say, date desc, then hit 'G', and you will get groups of "Today", "Yesterday", "Last Week", etc... I know that thunderbird uses XUL, but it would be nice to know how to correct this. This happens in every dark theme and I'm really suprised no one's figured it out yet. (Same problem also applies to Lightning plugin.) If someone can point me to a solution that would be great. 2. Gnome volume control icon is black. I can infer its presence as one would infer the presence of a black hole. Of course it still works, so it is only a minor annoyance that does not take anything from the overall elegance of the theme. Thanks in advance for any answers, also for your hard work.


Hi! Thanks for the compliments and also for reporting the bug. If that bug you mentioned under Thunderbird is common to all the other dark themes, then I hope it will be easier to find a solution on a forum or a mailing list across the Web. Thanks for telling me about it. As for the volume icon on the set I assembled, I have to say I started collecting the icons when I still used themes with clear-coloured panels, and when I started developing Elegant Brit and Mine I was already using Xfce most of the time, so the icon for the volume mixer was taken from somewhere else. Therefore, I never had the opportunity or the time to search for a good volume icon that looked good both on clear and on dark panels to replace that one on the theme. Thanks for pointing it out anyway. And sorry for those issues. Be free to let me know of whatever comes across your mind. Cheers!


It's too squared to put on my desktop but I like the concept, looks quite futuristic.


I'd love to see a matching gdm and wallpaper ;P


The theme is great! I love it and i find it the most suitable one for me. At last, found the one I can use ;) I just wanted to tell You there are some minor bugs in this style. Here is a screenshot, so You can see and work out on them.http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/9996/zrzutekranuyc1.png Thanks a lot for such a great theme! :)


Hello there! I'm currently researching about it, but first of all let me ask you: on Epiphany's preferences (that's your browser, right?), did you allow the webpages to use their own colours instead of those of the GTK theme? If that part is OK, we'll have to look for another solution. You see, in Firefox, for instance, we can use a custom userChrome.css to solve that unreadable text issue. I also noted you were trying to read a LOCAL .html file, so I think there must be some way to tell Epiphany to use black text on a white background, etc. Of course it could be a problem from the theme itself, but I also know most dark themes have problems in cases like these, so I'm trying to rule out some of the most common issues. Thanks for reporting the bug, and I'm very glad you're enjoying Elegant Mine! Cheers!


Well yes, the option to allow web pages to use their own colors was set and turning it off solved the problem. I didn't have any problems with firefox though. And I have noticed that this bug also applies to OOo's Writer, but there's no problem with changing the settings, so generally I didn't treat it as a bug ;)


I like this one even more than Elegant Brit, thank you!!! PS: Could you please PM me where do i get iconset you're using? Thanks in advance.


Looks nice. :) What icontheme are you using?


As I mentioned in the description text, this is a custom icon set I've been gathering from several icons found throughout the Web. Many of them are proprietary, others aren't, there is a mix of licenses, which is why I'm not releasing it in public. I didn't even create the icons, so it wouldn't be fair for those who actually designed them. Therefore, I also offered myself in the description text to share the theme in private, through MP, etc. Thanks for the compliments. Cheers!


great work as usual fmrbpensador !


Wow, This is even better than Elegant Brit. Way to go!.


Great Work. It's hard to find a dark theme that is functional. Same question about the icon set. It looks like a leopardish icon set I have but you have really cool customized icons for your folders :"pictures" "music" etc. Thanks


Once again I am amazed. I love your themes. However, I will still be using Elegant Brit, mostly because the dark theme doesn't work well with the menu I have (the LinuxMint menu). It makes the text on the menu lighter (i'm assuming it's supposed to be light font on dark background, but it doesn't change the background on the LinuxMint Menu) so it's just Light text on light background, so I can't read anything on the menu unless I have it highlighted. It's not your fault tho, it happens with all Dark Themes I've tried so far. It's a shame tho, because I really like this theme.


How did you do that clock at the panel? And what font are you using ?


Hi there! I'm on Xfce, and I use several Orage applets on the Xfce-panel; one for each piece of the time and date, and with a different colour for each one of the applets.

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