
GTK2 Themes

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After being endlessly pestered for early access by certain parties I am releasing an initial build of Glory-Simplex. A tangofied and greatly simplified version of my current WIP: Glory.

This early-bird special is relatively complete.. though not all the widgets have been brought over to the new style. it is however usable as is and it will continue to be updated semi-regularly as changes get backported from the WIP.

Installation notes: just drag and drop to the gnome-theme-manager.

At its current state its just the gtk theme. However. for convenience I have included a chrome folder containing useChrome.css and userContent.css for firefox/epiphany.

To install for firefox move/copy the .css files to ~/.mozilla/firefox//chrome

epiphany users copy the .css files to ~/.gnome2/epiphany/mozilla/epiphany/chrome



*If you want a *teaser* of Glory.. check the third screenshot (ignoring the panel)*
Last changelog:

* Initial release

Ratings & Comments



I really like this theme. I think it is complete, but if it isn't fully could you finish it? Thanks


Hi, my favorite theme by far. Any chance of a metacity theme? Thanks! Joshua


Is it possible that you make a version of the Glory-Simplex theme in black/dark tones?


Man this theme rocks!!! I used to be a fan of clean and sharp themes, but this one has made me change my preferences. Great job!!! I'll be using this one for quite a long time!


Excuse for my question, but what is the name of player of 3th screenshot where you using.


What's the metacity in the screenshot?


Wondering the same - I clearly recall having used it myself ages ago. I'm mostly hoping there's an emerald port up, but if not I'll probably make one. Considering the boom in "unified" looks across platforms, I'm surprised they're so rare around here.


Even unfinished, this is my favorite theme and has been since it was new, but I have one problem. The very light greys, which normally look really good, display as white on a few of the computers I maintain, and so a slightly dimmer, more contrasty version would be more useful (and greatly appreciated). Thanks again.


@ skystar2 and @ author very good looking theme, here's how i fixed the "problem": the file gtkrc at line 540 is pointing to a file called menuline.png that is not missing, it is called within another name. Then just edit the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and replace the string "menuline.png" to "menu-line.png" (with a dash between the words "menu" and "line"). Of course another way to solve this is to rename the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/Menu-Menubar/menu-line.png that's all, the error will disappear! thanks again, bye!


@ skystar2 and @ author very good looking theme, here's how i fixed the "problem": the file gtkrc at line 540 is pointing to a file called menuline.png that is not missing, it is called within another name. Then just edit the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and replace the string "menuline.png" to "menu-line.png" (with a dash between the words "menu" and "line"). Of course another way to solve this is to rename the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/Menu-Menubar/menu-line.png that's all, the error will disappear! thanks again, bye!


@ skystar2 and @ author very good looking theme, here's how i fixed the "problem": the file gtkrc at line 540 is pointing to a file called menuline.png that is not missing, it is called within another name. Then just edit the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/gtkrc and replace the string "menuline.png" to "menu-line.png" (with a dash between the words "menu" and "line"). Of course another way to solve this is to rename the file ~/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/Menu-Menubar/menu-line.png that's all, the error will disappear! thanks again, bye!


I love this theme, but the contrast is a little too low on my monitor. Would it be possible to release a higher contrast version, similar to the contrast of the current Oxygen? Thanks.


Hello, Your theme is very nice, but, if my gnome-panel is transparent under my widget the transparency is not working. And on Ubuntu gutsy is totaly unsuable with your theme (see a topic on french Ubuntu Forums .. Thanks


Thank u very much for this theme.. But i am having this strange problem for examples when i am running gconf-editor I got this error, i also got it when i am running my Java Web start from Netbeans.... /root/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:540: Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "Menu-Menubar/menuline.png" /root/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:543: Background image options specified without filename ** (gconf-editor:4918): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap: /root/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/Frame-Gap/frame-gap-start.png, borders don't fit within the image ** (gconf-editor:4918): WARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap: /root/.themes/Glory-Simplex/gtk-2.0/Frame-Gap/frame-gap-end.png, borders don't fit within the image Do u have any idea how can i solve this.. Thank u Adam


Sorry for the late response guys. DBO: Yes I have been busy, but have been working on Glory as time allows. The theme is still active and will be receiving an update in the near future. As for helping maintain the them, I'm open to suggestions (and regarding the license thing. I know some people have this aversion to closed licensing, but as I've discussed with others, there is a reason that the licensing is "currently" closed, but it will be moved to a more open license in the future). If you want to discuss helping out or whatnot, I can be found in the usual haunts on irc :P skystar2: The issue is known to me, just haven't had much time to get on to fixing it, but will solve the issue after Glory gets its overhaul to the new syntax :)


Hey darkmatter, I know you have mentioned you have been busy and I don't want to bother you too much. I was wondering if you had any updates to Glory (full) or if it is still on hold. I would have offered to help maintain and update simplex but it is not an open license and I wouldn't want to disrespect your licensing. Anyhow if you can get back to us (and maybe even give us some good updates) it would be great =)


The window's title are very low contrast. It's almost white on white. Very hard to read, so I had to remove the theme immediately


This definitely has potential. It kind of reminds me of Oxygen but it also has a more "Gnomish" (is that a word? :p) look. I wanted to create something very similar but i obviously wont need to :). Good luck with the finished skin.


This theme is on the right track. I believe that this theme is going to be big time. It's a very good theme for those who want a modern look and feel for their desktops.


are you still working on glory? I am really looking forward to its final release =)


yup. just ran into a few issues with some other stuff. but the theme is still in development. just temporarily on hold Should have an update ready soon enough :)


I love this theme.. i have been looking for something with white background and this is what i needed.. thanks a lot..


Could you please tell me what music player that is in your screenshots? Looks pretty.


That would be Banshee


Could you tell me which font you are using there? :-)

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