Rezlooks charamel
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Rezlooks-Charamel is a theme inspered by charamel firefox theme color sheme.
It's my first gtk theme and surely not perfect. It's based on Rezlooks-Candy and parts of Rezlooks-Gilouche.
Gaim Guification theme is a recolored Human theme.
Icons are Human-Ultragray Last changelog:
It's my first gtk theme and surely not perfect. It's based on Rezlooks-Candy and parts of Rezlooks-Gilouche.
Gaim Guification theme is a recolored Human theme.
Icons are Human-Ultragray
Another update for cgwd theme
Add new compiz theme for cgwd 0.34 (incompatible with 0.3 and other)
Add new compiz theme for cgwd 0.3
compiz theme 0.3
* Upadte cgwd theme (unfocosed window color)
Ratings & Comments
The gtk theme pkg is not available, please check it!
This theme is great. With this and a hacked up charamel for ffox & tbird, things are lovely. Looks like someone else is like-minded! http://wiki.nla.gov.au/display/IS/Home I've always hated blue in windows and in KDE, now I'm happy !
You may want to fix your links as none of them work when trying to download the files that make up this theme.
Thanks for information. It's ok now ! i don't know how i did that but i had modified the dir permissions.
What font are you using for terminal window?
EunBandal 10 from ttf-alee debian package.
The highlighted menu items are too hard to read (black on navy). I think it would be more readable if you made the text color white.
withe on brown is not more readable for me, but why not ! Thank...
Err.. my fault.. I had color settings from KDE applied to GTK, so everything was looking wrong.
Beautiful theme! Man.. I need your wallpaper, your icon theme and this menu.. I have a gnome-main-menu from Quinn's repositories, but yours is amazinG! :D
It'not gnone-main-menu but usp (ubuntu system panel), you can find it here : http://www.compiz.net/viewtopic.php?id=2112 and wallpaper here : http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=35027 Thank