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A murrine theme that uses soft gray and steel-blue colours.
Comes in three versions: Bright Blue (1st picture), Soft Blue (2nd picture), and Bright Green (3rd picture).
Emerald decoration is included in the archive -- INSTALL MANUALLY!

Tested on murrine 0.53.1 (Ubuntu Gutsy, and later).

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

== NOTES ==

* If you want the theme to match the emerald/metacity decorations of Mac4Lin, simply replace the background colour with "#d1d1d1".


GTK based on an early (0.4 or so) version of Murrine-Colors.
Emerald theme derived from Union.
Last changelog:

1.1 - New colour variation: Green!

1.0 - New emerald theme based on truglass; no longer reliant on Mac4Lin pixmaps.
Introduced bright GTK variation.

0.9 - Initial Release

Ratings & Comments



this is very very nice! I especially love the emerald theme. It would be nice to have a theme of this caliber (or perhaps even this theme itself) as the default for the elementary project. If you would please consider contributing, I would greatly appreciate it.


I'm glad you like the theme. Your proposal is interesting but I think this theme is a bit too dark for Elementary. I am working at the moment on a lighter, milk-inspired murrine theme with five colour variations. I'll upload a version of that in a few days, which perhaps will be more appropriate for Elementary. Even if you ultimately require modifications, I think that that would form a better base to work off.


elementary icons looks surprisingly good on dark themes, actually. But I'll be on the look at for whatever you have coming. if I could make a request, I'd like a theme with rounded scrollbars (nodoka maybe?) matte widgets, and low saturation. But make it real sexy. Would you be up to the challenge?


Hey...yet again, I really like that theme. I just have two question: Could you consider using a less intense baby blue for the scrollbars? I think they kinda don't feed the rest of the look and feel of this theme. Also, could you maybe create a green version of this theme? :D Like, leave the grey as it is, just change the blue to green? Cheers for your work!


Glad you like the theme. On to your comments: 1) I agree with you about the scrollbars; I think the murrine ones in general are pretty dingy. To remove the "baby blue" you can comment out line 69 in the gtkrc to get a white scrollbar. Assuming you don't like this solution, which makes the scrollbar hard to see, you can try replacing the colour on line 69 with something other than the tooltip (baby blue), like the selected colour (dark blue) or a value between the two. 2) As for a green variation... well, you're being a little lazy aren't you? :p Go to GNOME Apperance Preferences and use "#86A954" for selected items and "#BFFF66" for tooltips. I think these are alright, but if you find better values, feel free to post them here. (They are intended to be equivalent to the Bright version.)


Hey there, Alright, I will try what you suggest for the scrollbar. As for the color - I am not actually using the Gnome DE, so I don't have that color chooser (and I just can't find my way around the theme files...). But yeah, I will be looking into that. :D Anyways, good job!


There you go... I packaged a green variation. I think the prelight may be a bit too bright, but I haven't used it long enough to say. Give it a spin and tell me what you think.


Awesome! I will give it a try. Once again I have to say that the color used for the scrollbars and the comboboxes is too bright. The baby blue in the initial release was slightly misplaced to my mind, but that radioactive green is a bit aggressive... :D (If you look at the preview and try not to focus anything particular, your view gets drawn towards the bright green). I will try a few colors and then tell you if I find a color that fits better.


The prelight /is/ bright but except for the scrollbars it only appears when your mouse is over a button, which, presumably, your eyes have been following all along :) I have a thing with green in themes: I think that pale green looks really bland, hence the radioactive colour I chose. Even without the GNOME interface fiddling with the colors is simple enough: open the gtkrc and have a look at the gtk_color_scheme line on line 8. Of interest are the "selected_bg_color" (menus, etc) and the "tooltip_bg_color" (prelights). The toolbars, as I mentioned in a previous post, are colored separately.


This thought just occured to me: if you want to get rid of the colored prelight, you can simply change the tooltip colour to a value like "#F2F2F2" which will give buttons just a tiny bit of shine on mouseover.


I can't figure out how to update the 1st picture. (Deleting or changing it from the "edit" page does not seem to work.) Any ideas or workarounds?


Nevermind! It sorted itself out.


If there isn't problem on server, then it could be this: When you watch your screenshots with Firefox, it stores screenshots in it's cache. So when you upload new screenshot that have the same name as the one already on server (and also in the Firefox cache) and try to review it then Firefox won't download newer uploaded images from server because it already has them in it's cache. Solution: Just upload your new screenshots and then force Firefox to reload page from server (not from cache): > Shift+Left-mouse-click on reload button (force reload) or, > Ctrl+F5 (force reload) or, > Ctrl+Shift+R (force reload) Or update your new screenshots, clear Firefox cache and reload the page. More here:


Reallyl like it. Rated good. :D


Like it, good job

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version 1.1
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