Nautilus-MOD (deprecated)
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-two themes nochenome and nochenome_hard
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Ratings & Comments
I particularly like the way you made the left panel and the vertical bar (sorry, don't know what it's called) the same colour.
please give us fullsize screenshots!
hi, I uploaded a new bigger screenshot
my menubar isnt black and my panel too. what is wrong?
mmm... I've made test of this theme only in gnome 2.22.3, try this, in appearance go to the button "customize" and in the controllers tab, verify if nochenome or nochenome_hard is selected... please, tell me what happen
thats exactly my gnome version. neither nochenome nore nochenome_hard did it. looks like a missing gtk- / gtk2-engine i think
i use the pixmap engine in the menubar and the panel, could you tell me if you have the pixmap engine installed?
in hardy there is the pixmap engine no longer available, cause its outdated (that gave me a short googlesearch). do you use gutsy or lower?
hi, I use Hardy Heron for 32 bits, I read something about the problem with the pixmap engine, something about re-install the package but I don't know if that works
i cant install it, it says it is not available but referenced by another package. could you install it from the repos?
ok: couldnt install pixmap engine from hardy repos because of the error mentioned above. tried to install pixmap engine from gutsy repos. didnt work because a problem between libglib1.2 and libglib1.2ldbl (which is actually installed) how did you solve this? i really want to use your theme :(
Hi, I had no problems with the pixmap engine in hardy, it works fine since the installation... I read (no remember where) that you have install .deb packages, I've tried to found the webpage without success, but maybe this can help you, it's for XCFE but maybe it's the same problem
tadaaa... again searched the web for the package for hardy. found it installed and it worked! very nice theme. now im happy that i can use it. thanks a lot for your support!
thanks and I'm really happy that you solved your problem
I don't really like this theme (I like better choconome), it's not my color taste and it's a bit too dark and saturated. Dark menubar and toolbar lack of contrast so it's hard to read. But I have to thank you because I'm working on a theme with dark menubar and light menulist. I tried everything to find a workaround for, ThunderBird and co. I spend few hour on it and now, just by looking your gtkrc file I realized how simple it is. Thank you so much. PS : sorry if my English is bad.
ja ja ja, I spent an afternoon til discover the solution, well it's not really a solution for those programs but at least they don't look so bad, I'm happy that my gtkrc file was useful for you and I hope see your theme in action soon, tell me when you publish it. pd: my english it's bad too
It's published : Thanks for your interest.
i like it, could you post a link to those wallpapers?
Thanks, you can found the wallpapers in these urls
I like it.