Simply Basic II
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Elemetary Nautilus
Global Menu
Google Chrome Theme by gingenzo
Recommended Icon Sets
Elementary Dark Icons
Faenza Dark Icons
Known Issues:
The Bookmarks toolbar for Chromium and Firefox have issues with displaying the text in the right color. Firefox being too dark and Chromium being to light. The text is readable in Chromium but not in Firefox. If you dont use the Bookmarks bar then you have nothing to worry about. If anybody wants to make a matching theme for Firefox or Chromium I would be happy to add it to the description.
Feel free to check out my blog for any upcomming updates or if you want to comment on this theme or issues you may be having with it. williammiddleton.com
Thanks and Enjoy! Last changelog:
Global Menu
Google Chrome Theme by gingenzo
Recommended Icon Sets
Elementary Dark Icons
Faenza Dark Icons
Known Issues:
The Bookmarks toolbar for Chromium and Firefox have issues with displaying the text in the right color. Firefox being too dark and Chromium being to light. The text is readable in Chromium but not in Firefox. If you dont use the Bookmarks bar then you have nothing to worry about. If anybody wants to make a matching theme for Firefox or Chromium I would be happy to add it to the description.
Feel free to check out my blog for any upcomming updates or if you want to comment on this theme or issues you may be having with it. williammiddleton.com
Thanks and Enjoy!
Sep 23, 2010 - Added a second version with no border.
Sep 24, 2010 - Fixed and issue with the nautilus breadcrumbs.
Sep 24, 2010 - Fixed some color issues with Empathy and Abiword.
Oct 20, 2010 - Just changing the hosting of this theme. No need to download again.
Nov 5, 2010 - Just updating the description with a link to a chrome theme. Thanks to gingenzo
Ratings & Comments
bad font color in thunderbird panel...
Great theme, really nice !
Nice- I love the integrated toolbars. A lovely theme inspired by some good elements. I hope we still see a lot of these 'shinier' themes in the future, despite all the flatness that seems to be pervading interface design these days. Keep up the good work. :D
I like this theme.. ;)
I've got a bug with this theme and Chrome. The bookmarks bar is quite light in the background as well as the font. So it doesn't look good at all. Hard to read. Otherwise, very good theme. Love the colors! :)
Hey, yeah thats a problem I havent been able to fix. Chrome is getting that setting from the wrong place. It should be using the same setting its using for the “Other bookmarks” button at the far right of the toolbar. You might want to search for a chrome theme. I’m still keeping an eye out for a fix, I just havent found one yet.
Ah. Well, I've found this: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/ecdfhmffadihhcgfnpoohknailfammeo?hl=en Fits quite well with your GTK theme. :)
Cool Thanks, I might use that one.
Hi, Nice theme !! Could you explain to me how I can install this theme with Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome Desktop) Thanks PS : Sorry for my bad english -_-
Hey, you go to System/Preferences/Appearance and drag and drop the theme file in with the others.
Great !! Thanks =)
Hey! Congrats on a good theme. One question regarding the breadcrumbs in nautilus. As you can see from http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/6549/screenyp.png - the right arrow from the breadcrumbs is looking a little bit weird; its too white and bright on the dark background. Is there something i can do ? Its something wrong with my gtk setup ? (using ubuntu lucid). How is the arrow on your side ? Thanks...
Hey, I dont think its anything wrong with your setup. I've seen it do that before but I forgot. I'll try and find the setting thats not correct.
Hey, just wanted to let you know I fixed it. It was missing a color setting.
Great !! Thanks a lot and keep up the good work ! Your theme is on my fav list ;) Cheers..
There is still an issue with Abiword - the font and style list buttons are not showing the default values. Also the combo box for the font size is looking weird. See here : http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/4639/abiword.png Thanks..
Hey, I found the problem and fixed it. Abiword put up a fight :|
Hello, Re-installed and tested - great ! :) Let me know if it;s ok to send more visual bugs, if i will find more ;). Cheers, Razvan
Yeah, if you find more send them.
Love the metacity.
hi, for some reason i cannot apply the theme. I did downland the latest Murrine engine. however the theme seem to be missing some thing to work.i am using arch linux with xfce4. any help would be much appreciated.
Hey, I would search your system and see if you are running the GTK 2.x theming engine. Check somewhere like theme preferences. Sorry I'm not familiar with Arch Linux.
I did check and i found gtk-engines 2.20.1-1 is installed
Hey, is there anyway you could host a screenshot of what it looks like?
here is the print screen: http://ws.aldimna.com/images/2010-09-23-121133_1280x800_scrot.png