Ultimate Edition 2.1 Theme Pack Final
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
For information please visit http://ultimateedition.info/.
KUDOS to MK64 for the theme and Cowboy for the wallpaper. I do want to take at least some credit, I built the deb, created the usplash, GDM using software I have written & offer openly to the world. Enuff of credits... Is it TUM that is coming? TheeMahn USplash Maker.
Same as above, corrected 1000's of errors (permission problems) to make it lintian / Debian compliant, fixed sound issues 16 bit v/s 32 bit, Ubuntu needs to wake up There will be one more release before I set it as final. I have tested it in Intrepid as well as Jaunty and works flawlessly. Hardy or less will not work as far as USplash (I do intend to check lsbrelease and if hardy or less not set usplash, then will be final).
I have installed it into UE 2.1 with 0 errors / problems (fresh ibex) as well all debs I have written. Now 46MB btw. It is now a 100% theme across the board and will take over on next boot.
If you wish to change it... it can be done as any other use sum if you wish to change the usplash, appearance System >> Preferences >> Appearance. System >> Administration >> Login for GDM.
Don't like the sound scheme? System >> Preferences >> Sound select "Sound" tab customize or change to your liking.
Hate it? sudo apt-get remove --purge ultimate-edition-theme-2.1
Final: I have successfully Built Ultimate Edition 2.1 using this package, it is w/o a doubt flawless Ultimate Edition 2.1 is uploading. I did not fix hardy less, I have much on my plate. I suggest not installing it on hardy or less. If you do in order to get your usplash back you will have to use sum or similar. You may get mad at me I added a mirror & does no justice. I own 7 sites & heavy traffic is all I see, enough that both of the 2 I offer are dropped (does not sound like "unlimited" to me.) Please be patient, I do not want the other 5 dropped. I am sorry, but you will have to wait, releasing the O/S has droped havoc. Mirrors or not. I will not get into tools "unreleased" at this point, I do also own Ultamatix.com. What you read there the tip of the iceburg compared to what I have. Software of the month when I started, what do I have now? I earned my name. Ulimited 400 people at a time & not good enuff. Sorry for it being shut down. I have a mirror 1 TB a day out? Am I missing something? He remains up...
12/11/10: Wow a blast to the past, yes I have updated the theme. Today I see Petabytes, not my favorite UE theme. A goodie, but wait until I bring our theme repo online. I updated download ink, I am trying to see if I can drag my numbers down. repo wise it will download the sound scheme etc, broken in small parts. Read more about that when I am ready on themelinux.com
Ratings & Comments
you burned my eyes with your shit..!
You are a Glutton for punishment Thee !
If it hasnt been mentioned enough in my previous large post. THIS THEME BREAKS FACE BROWSER. Meaning that no faces will be displayed if you have selected a GDM theme which displays faces. You have been warned!
See above post... Is there a possibility a bug report has been filed against this within Ubuntu? I will say no more.
This is more than just a GTK2+ theme, its a DEB package which changes your bootsplash, GDM, mouse cursor and many other things. The GTK2 theme is nice as a standalone and the icon theme is also good looking but I have a few issues with some of the other things. The bootsplash is not to my taste, its not terrible I just prefer the default ubuntu bootsplash. One MAJOR issue I found was that the 'face' of my main user account was removed from the face browser and i'm looking for ways to get it back, I didnt ask for any of the GDM stuff to be changes so i'm VERY disappointed. Another thing that really bothered me was the mouse cursor that the theme package sets everything to, its HUGE, I want a small cursor, not a small cursor with a large animated penguin attached to it, the theme sets this as the GDM default as well -- and the only way i've been able to change this back is to uninstall the theme completely. It was a huge waste of time.
Thanks for helping me squash bugs even if it was indirectly each deb I make gets better, your GDM issues I have squashed in UE 2.2 theme pack, amazing I am working on a UE 2.3 theme pack and is not yet available http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd1I8r57Mks Tell me I don't test things.
i have been trying to download both versions 2.0 and 2.1 with two diferent O.S. to no avail. i have a ultimeate edition distro.......can this be extracted from it?
No, I installed it in a chroot environment.
I cannot believe people complain about something that costs them nothing. I realize you cannot please everyone and the idiots will always be around, but don't let them dampen your great work. People.....give it a try....if you don't like it.....remove it...if you like it....let him know. "Remember, It is better to believe in something and be wrong." Then to believe in nothing and be right!
Thanks brother, I agree with you totally. I am sure the rest of the whiners that say "oh no, how do I get my usplash back" etc. Will appreciate this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ultimate+Edition+2.2+Proposed+Theme+Pack?content=100855. This theme pack was written to be a total replacement of Ubuntu's theme, it does not erase their theme. The New one which is currently rough around the edges will do no such you will have to do all the work of changing the GDM etc. It does piss me off when I put in the extra effort to make it as simple as possible for the end user.
I cannot believe people complain about something that costs them nothing. I realize you cannot please everyone and the idiots will always be around, but don't let them dampen your great work. People.....give it a try....if you don't like it.....remove it...if you like it....let him know. "Remember, It is better to believe in something and be wrong." Then to believe in nothing and be right!
I can't download it. If the download even starts at all it gets to 10-11% and stops. I've tried it on four browsers and two computers, both Ubuntu and Windows XP. Your file is broken.
I voted bad because of the font used in the "2.1" on the UE logo. I have NEVER liked Arial, not even back when I was a Windows user, before I switched to Linux. To my eyes, Arial is nothing but a cheap, shameless, and, pardon my French, but very p***-poor impersonation of Helvetica. In fact, Helvetica is my favorite font, which also, in Ubuntu, goes by names such as Nimbus Sans L, FreeSans, and possibly others. One of the reasons I switched to Linux was to get away from that ugly Arial font. Sheesh!
I did not set your font... Take back your bad vote ;) This is the postinst: #!/bin/sh #written via TheeMahn set -e #Test O/S 64 or 32 bit... architecture=`uname -m` targetarch="x86" #Set 64-bit machines to install 32-bit if not detected if [ "$architecture" != "x86_64" ] && [ "$architecture" != "ia64" ]; then architecture="x86" else architecture="x86_64" fi if [ "$architecture" = "x86_64" ]; then echo "Ultimate Edition Themes has detected a 64 Bit O/S." else echo "Ultimate Edition Themes has detected a 32 Bit O/S." fi #64 bit specific code if [ "$architecture" = "x86_64" ]; then case "$1" in configure) update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/x64/ultimate_edition_2.1.so 10 update-alternatives --set usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/x64/ultimate_edition_2.1.so update-initramfs -u ;; esac #KDE 64 Specifics #make sure there is a folder and copy files based on architecture (prerm will remove them if the user decides to remove this package)... #mkdir /usrlib/kde3/ 2>/dev/null #cp -R /usr/lib/x64/kde3/ /usr/lib/ else #32 Bit code case "$1" in configure) update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/x86/ultimate_edition_2.1.so 10 update-alternatives --set usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/x86/ultimate_edition_2.1.so update-initramfs -u ;; esac #KDE x86 Specifics #make sure there is a folder and copy files based on architecture (prerm will remove them if the user decides to remove this package)... #mkdir /usrlib/kde3/ 2>/dev/null #cp -R /usr/lib/i386/kde3/ /usr/lib/ fi #Cusomizations #change wallpaper echo "Setting up Ultimate Edition 2.1 Theme" #TESTING - All in one case "$1" in configure) update-gconf-defaults /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /usr/share/backgrounds/ultimate_edition_2.1.jpg update-gconf-defaults /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options stretched update-gconf-defaults /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_theme "UE-Cursor-Set" update-gconf-defaults /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_size "48" update-gconf-defaults /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme "Ultimate_Edition_2.1" update-gconf-defaults /apps/metacity/general/theme "Ultimate_Edition_2.1" ;; esac #change wallpaper gconftool="gconftool-2 --direct --config-source=xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults " #Mouse $gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_theme "UE-Cursor-Set" $gconftool --type int --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/cursor_size "48" echo -n "Setting GNOME Wallpaper, Icons & Gtk Theme... " $gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /usr/share/backgrounds/ultimate_edition_2.1.jpg $gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_options stretched $gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme "Ultimate_Edition_2.1" $gconftool --type string --set /apps/metacity/general/theme "Ultimate_Edition_2.1" echo "done." #icons if which update-icon-caches >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/UE-icon-set-light fi $gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme "UE-icon-set-light" echo -n "Setting up GDM Login... " # GDM Customization case "$1" in configure) if [ -d /etc/gdm ]; then update-alternatives --install /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf gdm-config-derivative /usr/share/ultimate-edition-gdm-theme/gdm-cdd.conf 50 fi ;; esac # Set to default theme if [ -f /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ] then sed -i "s,^.*GraphicalTheme=.*$,GraphicalTheme=Ultimate_Edition_2.1,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf sed -i "s,^.*BackgroundColor=#000000.*$,BackgroundColor=#000000,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf sed -i "s,^.*GraphicalThemedColor=.*$,GraphicalThemedColor=#000000,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf fi set if user has a custom gdm configuration if [ -f /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom ] then sed -i "s,^.*GraphicalTheme=.*$,GraphicalTheme=Ultimate_Edition_2.1,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom sed -i "s,^.*GraphicalThemedColor=.*$,GraphicalThemedColor=#000000,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom sed -i "s,^.*BackgroundColor=#000000.*$,BackgroundColor=#000000,g" /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom fi echo "done." echo -n "Setting Sound scheme... " gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults --type string --set /desktop/gnome/sound/theme_name "ultimate-edition-2.1" echo "done." #grub - make sure it exists we do not want a broken package #echo -n "Setting up Grub splash image... " #if [ -f /boot/grub/menu.lst ] #then # sed -i "s,^.*splashimage=.*$,splashimage=ultimate-edition-2.0.xpm.gz,g" /boot/grub/menu.lst #fi echo -n "Installation complete." Do you see font anything in it? There is no font even included in the deb, unless you refer to gtk setting as such and if so not my doing ;) sudo apt-get remove --purge idiot ;)
just wanted to say this is very cool, but the penguin pointer thing kind of scares me. good thing you included another really cool rotating pointer in the pack!
Does it mean I release a UE 2.2 from the rip perfect? What it does mean is a UE 2.2 perfection ;) Kick back and see it. This I personally promise you.
Complain, I am sure tons try to do as I do? Why do I have ~75% of the populous? I would like to complain as well, and I wrote it. This is the thing I called it final, unmatched, but does not mean there are things I did not look over I see them, is it ok If I release another release? No, not if I called it final. Enjoy your penguin :)
my Mouseclick-Behaviour! I don't know for 100% but youre package is the only one I installed today so far. After a reboot I recognized that Files open with a Singleklick. I never used to open Files with a Singleklick. I wasted 10 Minutes to find the Option in the Settings of Nautilus... BAD!
...Done it anyway. Very nice! Thanks for this, it's a bit special!
...but it wants to remove Human Theme and Ubuntu-desktop. Is that correct?
Top caliber - Can't touch dis!
A lot
No, thank you for the positive feedback.
It is all pretty good, it is just that I prefer the default usplash image with the progress bar. Is there any way to get that back?
Yes use startupmanager http://web.telia.com/~u88005282/sum/index.html