(bad is the new good

Looks best with globalmenu!
My current vision of gnome

I tried to create a futuristic yet simple environment to
work in.
A HUGE thank you to every user who commented
here and helped me shape this!!!
info on and download the globalmenu here:
for a wallpaper that goes with the theme:
I will ask artist taner if he is willing
to do a wallpaper that will be the default
wallpaper of this theme
this when he gets back in about 3-4 months
or so.
Ratings & Comments
This is the best theme I have ever seen! Thank! BTW, what did you use to edit the wallpaper to have those lines?
I like most of your work it is always innovative and well finished. thanks :)
i just saw the pic n i really like it but how do i install it can someone help me qith it plz? im on ubuntu 8.4 64
As your vision theme, i find your conky scrpt good. But there is one thing wrong :S This is the indicator of the RAM used. It only goes up and never down. For example : conky indicates me after a moment that 1.22 Go of my RAM is used, but the system monitor indicates that only 670 Mo is used. Do you know haw to repair that ?
Youps sorry i just see i'm mistaken about that i'm not on the conky page, sorry to post here. But you can answer me :)
well that's a first :) I don't see anything wrong with my config and I haven't heard anybody else have this problem, on my both boxes it works fine :) I'm sorry I cannot tell you what's wrong! thanks for the positive feedback on my work tho! //Robert
Man! Your balls are fucking awesome ones! Are you sure that I need to press 'bad'? You're the Boss, but you work is damn good! PLease, beg your pardon for my stupidity, but can you glimpse at: http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/23ozglassgtk/ Is it possible to recreate this one? Anyway - brilliant work!
Thanks man! :D Glad you like it! about the other theme,, why don't you just download it from there? It seems to have a download link? //Robert
Well, it's too old to run as it should. Yep, it could be downloaded and even used, but.... It needs some care and attention to get back to life. Anyway, thanks for your attention and brilliant work!
Ic, I don't use gnome anymore so I'm sorry, no more gtk themes from me. It's not hard to make it work with the pixmaps engine tho, a couple of hours studying the gtkrc code should be enough to get it working! Thanks again! //Robert
As I said, great theme, but using kates.se on the clock always brought my eye to something that was out of place. I edited it out and now my eye is happy with me. Just a personal thing I know.
Thanks again man! Tho I have to say I totally disagree with you on this one, I think one can not find a better suiting font for the clock applet! :D anyway that is just my opinion! //Robert
hi rob thanks for this great themes..one of the best ever seens here...well i have a problem with firefox menu...i can see the text its white...how i fix this bug..well i dont know if its my bug or theme bug...but wanna knows cuz...well thanks rob...hope u continue updating this wonderfull theme...
Thanks! It's not a bug with the theme, check if you have any old userChrome.css installed :) //Robert
well problem solved...well yeah was my bug...hehe...i start in safe mode and restore firefox to default and work..thanks rob...
love the theme, great work. the toolbar icons are WAY too large imo. if youd like i can supply a screenshot if youd like.
Thanks! smaller icons: gedit $HOME/.themes/vision/gtk-2.0/gtkrc on line 17 edit: gtk-icon-sizes = "panel-menu=12,12:gtk-large-toolbar=32,32" to whatever sizes you wish, the first one is for the menues (I prefer them too small), and the second one is for the toolbars (I prefer them too big). Hope this helps //Robert
thanks for the quick reply, worked like a charm. got another question, your pcman only has a few toolbar icons. how did you manage that? i have a whole bunch up there.
Glad it worked! I actually edited the source (pcmanfm-0.4.0) ,it's a little buggy since I don't have any programming skills at all, but it does the trick :) //Robert
Another excellent theme! Thanks for the work.
Thanks! Glad you like it! //Robert
Where did you get your new wallpaper? Thanks in advance.
here: http://tinkupuri.deviantart.com/art/Lambency-Wallpaper-Pack-16698597
I love it. -1 (cool voting twist, too)
Hehe :D Thanks!