dark addiction!
a theme by elleti.brainvision
I'm working at this gtk theme since a lot and I'll still continue working at it! Colors and basements are from one of the best themes I ever seen and used: MurrinaTriompheSVN by envyouraudience: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=91891!
The theme contains also the tint2 configuration file and the requested fonts..
I prepared 2 versions: there is also in fact a DarkTriumph II which is based on gray and so it results lighter..
Actually I'm using those theme on Xfce with Compiz installed, so I also published the emerald theme (based on BUMP by lassekongo83); but when I don't want compiz I use SlanXP Final by lassekongo83: here http://weakhead.deviantart.com/art/SlanXP-Final-XFWM4-PekWM-132830420 you can find the xfwm4 version, ported by weakhead (i'm pretty sure there's a metacity version but I can't find it); you can also use Elements, always, naturally

WOW, that's all, I think..!
I remember you that you can download my BUMP.mod emerald theme here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=128120.
Last, but absolutely not least, the wallpapers are from Espiro Pattern by manicho. You can find it at the http://manicho.deviantart.com/art/Espiro-Pattern-70928787 and the icons are Any Color You Like by switzak (with my mods for a better look in xfce) http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=102435.
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- the zip file contains GTK theme and tint2 configuration. for emerald theme follow link in the description
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Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
i like it ! Thank you for sharing :D