
GTK2 Themes

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So what is CopperDeck? CopperDeck was originally a windowblinds theme created by Treetog, now in its second carnation it has become one of their most prominent themes with over 500,000 downloads! I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome and this is the result.


I have now virtually finished completing the gtk and metacity themes, as well as the icon theme. As this is still not a totally complete theme i would appreciate getting any feedback that i could use to improve the theme.

Thanks and i hope you enjoy my theme =)

::Installation Instructions::

1. Download the file and place on your desktop
2. Open a terminal and run these commands:

sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/CopperDeck /usr/share/themes

3. Open the theme manager, you can now
select the CopperDeck theme,
when you click on it, it will apply the gtk and metacity themes as well as the icon and cursor themes if you have them installed. It will also give you the option of using the wallpaper provided with this theme.
Last changelog:


0.1 - Released

0.1.1 - Small improvements in line with Nitroflows suggestions

Ratings & Comments



great theme


Just thought you'd like to know that I've settled on using CopperDeck within Gnome. It just looks great. For now, I've abandoned XFCE; I believe I broke XFCE in my attempts trying to get your themes to work as nicely as they do in Gnome. You do great work!! It's so good I want to use them in environments perhaps which are not so "nice or friendly". All the best...


Hi Dear, nice to see you working again. I will download and test your new version here on Lucid. I hope, it will work. But what about your other Azenis-themes?? You konw, I love them and wait for the updated versions. Greetings and Happy new Year!!! Your friend Karmicbastler


Hiya, thanks, ya let me know if you spot any bugs and ill work on getting them fixed. Im currently working on expanding the standard icon theme a little more and then intend to update all the other coloured version to match it. I just have less time than i'd like to work on them atm =(


Looks Good James, Keep up the good work!


Thanks Exodist =)


Great theme. My only complaint is that it does not include a background.


Sorry, what do u mean by a background as it does include a wallpaper?


I mean the wallpaper is a plain orange screen, no real eye-catching design at all.


Ah, this is simply because you have the theme located in your home directory rather than in usr/share/themes. To get the theme to appply the background properly either move the theme to usr/share/themes or open the index.theme file and adjust the location of where it trys to load the background image from to inside your home folder instead =)


Sorry Apopatos but for some reason i wasn't able to reply to your last message in the usual way. Regarding the horizontal panel problem i will make a separate image that will be in the panel folder of the theme after the next update. It will be named panel-bg-horiz.png. To get it to work simply remove the original panel-bg.png file and rename panel-bg-horiz.png to simply panel-bg.png =)




First of all I want to tell you that I admire your job. Your gtk and icon themes are amazing and I use them everyday. But one small detail. You always pack inside the archive and the .icon-theme.cache file. It is hidden file so it passes unnoticeable but it is always very large 50MB and more. If someone does not know about it, he fills his hard disk without reason :) Now about the current theme. 1) While it suggests a background to apply, it doesn't apply it. 2) The gnome-panel loks weird: 3) It's the only icon theme that doesn't change the icon of the "file browser" applet in avant-window-navigator. I found this particularly weird, but even the most incomplete themes change it and give it the closed-folder icon. plz fix these problems if you can and add more icons to the icon-theme. It's a very nice job. thank a lot Apopas


oops wrong link for 3. that's the right one:


To be more specific, look how it is by usign your Azenis-red icon theme.


Hi Apopatos, Thanks for your feedback, im glad you like my themes and am always happy to receive some constructive criticism. Also thanks alot for including some screenshots it makes diagnosing the problem a thousand times easier =). Ok now regarding the issues you raised. Firstly regarding the .icon-theme.cache file, thanks for pointing this out it was an oversight on my part i hadn't realised it was such a large file, i will make a point of ensuring that it is not included in all of my future releases. regarding your 3 points on the gtk theme... 1. The most likely cause of this is that it is looking in the wrong location, it is set to look for the background image in /usr/share/themes/CopperDeck/CopperDeck.png im assuming here that you have the theme stored in the .themes folder in your home directory. If this is the case either move the theme to /usr/share/themes or alternatively edit the index.theme file and redirect the background image location to search for it within you home folder. If however this is not the case please get back to me as that means ive made a mistake somewhere. 2. The gnome panel unfortunately will look weird when given a vertical orientation, this is the case with virtually all (all actually as far as i am aware of) pixmap themes using anything more interesting than a plain colour as the panel background. 3. The avant-window-navigator problem was simply caused by an omission in the icon theme, as it is still in the development stage there are a few places where the theme icons do not fully cover all the default icons. However that was a very obvious one that i really should have already had covered, it will be fixed in the next release. Thanks again for your help, let me know if you spot anything else that needs attention, all the best, James


1) Ok I changed the inded.theme and now works. Thanks a lot :) If you add both paths, won't work? Oh a small mote, in the path you say CopperDeck.png while the image is jpg :) 2) Unfortunately even in horizontal form it looks the same :(


1. Good glad to hear you have got it working, and thanks for the report that must be a typo ive put in =( ill have that changed for the next release. Ill experiment with adding 2 paths but i have my doubts, though im sure there must be a way. 2. This is because your panel is over 35 pixels deep and the image used for the panel is only 35, try 35 or lower for the best results =) alternatively you could try stretching the panel-bg image so that you can use it for a bigger panel.


Indeed, with smaller panel and by using the theme's original colour's (no with transparency) it works. To stretch the pic isn't bad idea as well. But unfortunately I can't work with horizontal panels after so many years using vertical ones. So it's better if I remove totally the panel-bg image :(


Men it's a fantastic idea doing things like this one.... I really enjoy waching screenshots, I'll download it to try if it as in the pictures... ;)


It is actually now a download-able and installable theme =)


As you can see in the following screenshot there are still some improvements that could be made to the menu. On a side note you could use the murrine engine to render the listview as it can provide a nice gradient.


It's an adventurous design well rendered.. Nice


Thankyou very much Cb2k =)


Awesome theme. Any chance of a port of the Metacity theme to Xfwm4?

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version 0.1.1
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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