if you don't use macmenu hack get this one:
This is a macmenu version of my slickness black theme.
It supports coloschemes.
To fix browser problems go here:
that fix will fix all your browser problems

A HUGE thanks to code933k for making it!!
To install:
drag the file to gnome theme manager.
Ratings & Comments
nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but, where do you fin the iconpack?
Very nice theme! i have a question about the tabs in the folder that's opened. how do you get it?
Dude, this theme is just awesome! Almost what I've always been looking for. I brought slight modifications to it so it's now exactly what I needed. Keep up this excellent work, it's just blowing me away !
well thank you very much!! I don't know what else to say :D Glad you like it! //Robert
I've never seen so great conky. So I want to know whether there are the options as transparency and blur. Thanks to your work.
Thanks, but.... ...sry to disappoint you but I actually edited the wallpaper to have that effect since I found the conkytext hard to read. //Robert
Don't mind. I envy your abilities. I gave up editing my wallpaper :)
well thank you!! Glad you think so! , I'm not really an graphics person, but if you like what I did with the wall you might find this useful: I used the absolutely amazing GIMP!!! I mainly used only 3 tools (gradients , selections and obviously the blur effect) with those you can do pretty much. You shouldn't give up... never! hope this helps! //Robert
robert could you provide me with your conkyrc, upload it somewhere and paste a link, thx in adv
actually, it's this conkyrc: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/My+Conky+Config?content=62536 I just modified it a little :) //Robert
How did you do the transparency into the windows and on panels? great work!!
Thanks! I use a window manager called "compiz-fusion" to draw the screen so I get all kinds of crazy effects (including transparency). get it here: http://www.compiz-fusion.org/ //Robert
of course is compiz-fusion, i mean what did u change in opacity settings in compiz-manager.. sorry if i was not clear ;-)
no no, sry for not understanding you not already use it :D I just dragged the mouse over the panel and hold in alt and scrolled on the scrollbutton on the mouse :) ,same for windows. //Robert
Thanks for sharing these beautiful themes man. You are really great.I also like this one. Again thank you TheRob:)
Thanks again taner, youre really great too :D And a special thanks for all your wonderful wallpapers!!! //Robert
Rob, what is the widget your running on the right of your screen that displays all that system info?
It's conky , get it here: http://conky.sourceforge.net/
This is great! i was actually about to ask u for providing a mac menu hack suitable version, and u did just that even b4 i posted my request! thanx a lot mate! very much appreciated! rated gud as always! Slickness is one theme that can become one totally ossum suite as well!
Thank You very much again auntaunt for your very kind and inspiring feedback! I just installed the macmenu hack myslef and it blew me away,,, I don't think I am ever gonna uninstall it :D So I noticed that my theme didn't fit with it so I made some changes, anyway, I'm very glad you like it!! //Robert