What is GT3 I hear you say? GT3 was originally a windowblinds theme created by Tiggz. It is immensely popular and i feel for good reason. I felt us linux users were missing out on a truly awesome theme so I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome.

I have now released the theme, there will prob ably still be a few small changes so if you notice any flaws please let me know. Unfortunately I have been unable to get in contact with Tiggz, therefore if at any point he wishes me to i will of course remove the theme.
I am also intending to release a GDM, clock, audacious and other themes along the GT3 style to match the theme and make it a more complete suite. I have now released a preliminary version of the icon theme to compliment the theme. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and suggestions,
Thanks and i hope you enjoy my theme =)

-Gtk and Metacity Themes
-Nautilus Background
-Default Wallpaper
::Installation instructions::
1. Download the file and place on your desktop
2. Open a terminal and run these commands:
sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/GT3 /usr/share/themes
3. Open the theme manager, you can now
select the GT3 theme,
when you click on it, it will apply the gtk and metacity themes as well as the icon and cursor themes if you have them installed. It will also give you the option of using the wallpaper provided with this theme.
Cursor-theme: independently ported by KuduK
::GnoMenu themes:: Created by technoshaun
Ratings & Comments
Your work is quite impressive. I find myself choosing one or another of your themes repeatedly. As far as overall style however, I'm settling for GT3 as my general working environment within XFCE. I really like how the menu in GT3 appears; I would prefer that the scroll bars had a brighter highlighted bluish color (similar to what appears in the normal GT3 menu) but also with an option for color - something snazzy like what appears in the Overglossed colors sequence you offer. Explanation: The scrollbars appearing the in overglossed colors are very attractive. I would like those scrollbars to appear in GT3 with the edges of the scroll bars appearing grey not black. I believe the menu within GT3 should have a gradual blend to match ranging from that nice black on the left edge to colors expressed in the overglossed scroll bars. This would provide a wider variety of color options for GT3, if the suggestions here could be applied. Thanks for your time and consideration of my suggestions. I hope that they can be implemented.
Been using this fetchingly theme years ago on windows when first i have tried stardock, also gt3 icons.... nice to find them ready for gnome now. Good port :)
Thanks, ya i think its definitely one of the best windowblind themes, I think its nice that we've got a pretty good selection of their best here now
Continue your good work my Friend
Thanks and I will certainly try =)
hi James, you've made a great theme with this. Wich Icons are you using with it? The Azenis Icons? At least one question: Could you maybe make a orange version of this theme how by azenis? I think it would look be much greater, when the colors are not so cold (orange instead blue). MfG OldShatterhand P.S.: sry for my bad english but i'm not so good at speaking/writing english
Certainly, ill add it too my to do list =) keep your eyes peeled for it
Oh and yes here i am using the azenis icons, however i am currently in the process of creating some icons specifically for GT3
Beautiful theme! Outstanding work James :-) Makes me wanna search for more GT3 stuff!
Thanks Ian, i am intending in thne pretty near future to create more things for this themes (Icons, GDM, usplash etc) so keep your eyes peeled =)
Awesome! I'll be checking back often :-)
I know this is kind of late, but this is a promising theme to say the least. One question though, does it have an emerald theme to complement it?
Thankyou very much. Currently no however this is certainly not a dead project by any means and a future emerald theme is definitely possible, im not an expert with emerald themes and im not sure if will be possible to make 1 as polished as the metacity however i will look into it. Thanks for the interest, all the best, James
good job buddy :)
Nice WORK James!
Thanks MK64, glad you like it =)
Good stuff ! Now I get to check out the code :P
=) nothing to exciting there im afraid just a mod of one of the best themer's code (at least for now), points if you can tell me who lol
Autor Info * Website: http://tiggz.wincustomize.com * Email: matt.crockett@btinternet.com * MSN: matt.crockett@btinternet.com bye!
Ah ty soo much Kuduk ive been looking everywhere for that!
what icon set are you using? The trash can icon is great looking. Theme looks great btw!
erm its technically a set im working on in this screenshot although a virtually identical icon-set can be found here in the mean time.... http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Azenis+Icons+(working+title)?content=107544
It's not bad, but i'm sick of "a colour on black" themes. I'd prefer other colours, like orange on white, or anything else, but another black theme.
Im sorry i personally do quite like blackish themes. I am however currently working on a orange and light grey theme that may appeal to you more, also i have made a white and light blue theme called polar that you may like
thank you, that one is quite good for my taste !