So what is Sputnik? Sputnik was originally a windowblinds theme created by Treetog. It proved a very popular theme and has become one of their most prominent themes with over 500,000 downloads. I decided to have a go at creating a port for gnome, i have unfortunately been unable to contact Treetog, so if he so wishes at any point i will of course remove the theme

I have now released a working preliminary version of sputnik however i would still not class this as a completely finished theme, i am still intending at the very least to do more work on the tabs (with which i am not yet happy) and release an icon theme for it at the very least. There are also some small flaws in the theme which i am at least hopefully largely aware of, however if you spot any please feel free to point them out to me incase they have evaded my attention.
Thanks for the input and i hope you enjoy my theme
Ratings & Comments
Sputnik is the coolest theme! But how to get icons theme "Sputnik" ?
Nice work James interesting and innovative work... :)
Version 0.1 is beautiful! Good work :-)
Glad you like it, was it of any use to you in resolving your panel problem?
Yes, it was.. thank you :-)
As usual your work is superb, this is only a preview and I already want it gracing my desktop! Regarding the range buttons, I like the smaller buttons used in the vertical range widget but I feel that the trough needs to be a bit smaller to look right with the smaller buttons. Like the rest of your themes, this one is beautiful and I can't wait for the final release. Good work!
Thanks Ian, i think your right, ill see what i can do about fitting them together properly
Good job but I'm losing patience, please upload it.
Hehe i may upload a very preliminary version so that people can try it out in a day or 2, stay posted =)
can't wait :)
Thanks, ill try to have it out ASAP =)