Description: Port of the popular windowblinds theme prowler, created by request and with the guidance and assistance of Technoshaun (sorry its taken so long buddy). Still only a preview at the moment got a few more things to finish off and some wrinkles to iron out, however it is now useable, just bear in mind that there are still a number of changes that do still need to be made
Let me know what you think =)
::Installation instructions::
1. Download the file and place on your desktop 2. Open a terminal and run these commands:
3. Open the theme manager, you can now select the Prowler theme, when you click on it, it will apply the gtk and metacity themes as well as the icon and cursor themes if you have them installed. It will also give you the option of using the wallpaper provided with this theme.
Ratings & Comments
In fact, I am working on a port for V O X. So far it is coming along nicely. Should have it done some time soon.... hopefully.
Great color combo,good looking theme.
Tyvm Linux101 =)