Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other GTK2 Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
Very excellent theme. Can you please tell me what fonts are you using ?
Hello, i am using mostly the standard-fonts sans (Application, Document), monospace for the terminal. The Desktop-Font is Corbel Bold.
And by the way, i have changed the "Font Rendering Details" to: Smoothing: Grayscale Hinting: None Subpixel Order: RGB
Very nice theme! Problem: I'm noticing that the menus are messed up in gnome terminal for some reason.
I have not such a problem! Maybe you have to upgrade to the latest murrine-engine.
For me it doesn't work in some applications: xfce-panel, thunar, gajim, maybe others. It applies to all other applications but those listed above aren't themed.
It didn't work because of those two options: gradients = TRUE hilight_ratio = 0.959595 I commented them out and now it works for me. Looks like I have old version of Murrine engine. That's strange, because I installed 0.5.1 yesterday. Anyway, it's not problem of your theme. Have fun! :)