Description: Blue deck theme was originally written by jameshardy88, modified by JohnnyG. I have written multiple emerald themes to co-inside with the theme. Cowboy designed the “Winging it” wallpaper. This is default theme in Ultimate Edition 2.8 Lite.
Blue Deck Theme Pack Contents:
* 1 GTK2 Theme * 1 Metacity Theme * 1 Emerald Theme (7 subsets) * 1 Icons set – scalable * 1 cursor set * 1 font (will not be default in lite)
I am currently running what will be Ultimate Edition 2.9 minus the theme please excuse the versatility of the deb Last changelog:
great theme guys!
Great OS's. been using UE since 2.6 - and i love 2.8! (using as we speak)
and "lite" is awsome as well.
don't let chumps like this clever idiot foul your morale.
Where is Ubuntu Natty going? This is a Gnome site right. If he is running Gnome, what option does he have? I have full control over my 3.0 release, makes one wonder where I am going to go with things. Slam it first run it next kstrike w/o choice lol.
kstrike be careful where you stride.
I can not for the life of me remember why I do not typically post here. Oh!!! I remember now biased idiots ;) Not all are, but the occasional POS rolls up in the crib. JohnnyG do not lose sleep, you work is very reputable.
Ladies and gents watch the numbers, a quick trip by distrowatch begins to open an eye or 2. I am sitting on 2 more releases that will open the eyes of the microslop sheep. Probably what the guy runs to begin with. Need I say more.
UP YOURS !ASSHOLE! YOUR TIME IS NULL AND VOID! FIND SOMETHING OTHER TO DO ! I see out of your many contributions you have NOTHING to add ! So stuff it up your ass ! I hate this fuckking bullshit! you fucking idiots put your two cents in and that is all you have ! TWO CENTS ! DO yourself a favor as well as the rest of the community ! Rent a gun and by a bullet ! and put yourself out of our misery ASSWIPE! Have a nice day!
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great until mint 17.3
anyway. great theme guys! Great OS's. been using UE since 2.6 - and i love 2.8! (using as we speak) and "lite" is awsome as well. don't let chumps like this clever idiot foul your morale.
Where is Ubuntu Natty going? This is a Gnome site right. If he is running Gnome, what option does he have? I have full control over my 3.0 release, makes one wonder where I am going to go with things. Slam it first run it next kstrike w/o choice lol. kstrike be careful where you stride.
Ha-ha-ha-ha! You are extremely funny. To be what? "careful" Ha-ha-ha-ha! OK. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Sorry, but you have no brain.
I can not for the life of me remember why I do not typically post here. Oh!!! I remember now biased idiots ;) Not all are, but the occasional POS rolls up in the crib. JohnnyG do not lose sleep, you work is very reputable. Ladies and gents watch the numbers, a quick trip by distrowatch begins to open an eye or 2. I am sitting on 2 more releases that will open the eyes of the microslop sheep. Probably what the guy runs to begin with. Need I say more.
...I see this theme doesn't need a bad vote, it's almost dead anyway. P.S. code < = > graphics. Thanks for wasting my time.
UP YOURS !ASSHOLE! YOUR TIME IS NULL AND VOID! FIND SOMETHING OTHER TO DO ! I see out of your many contributions you have NOTHING to add ! So stuff it up your ass ! I hate this fuckking bullshit! you fucking idiots put your two cents in and that is all you have ! TWO CENTS ! DO yourself a favor as well as the rest of the community ! Rent a gun and by a bullet ! and put yourself out of our misery ASSWIPE! Have a nice day!