Windows Vista Logon
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Other GDM Themes:
For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:
Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes:
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Ratings & Comments
Hi, could you make a screensaver lock of this theme? Something like this: Thanks!!!
definitively awesome. And I was born for arch.
I really want to use this GDM theme because it looks awesome, but it doesn't fit my screen! I have 1440x900 and the GDM is too small.. is there a way to fix this?
find background image with your resolution and replace /usr/share/gdm/themes/ArchDark/bg.png
and maybe you need to correct some placing settings in file /usr/share/gdm/themes/ArchDark/Arc-GDM.xml
Good job, I like it, it's my new favorite gdm theme
hey dude how do i install this ? i did tar zxf 94030-ArchDark-0.2.tar.gz and cd ArchDark but when i make ./configure nothing hapening any help ?
1.sudo gdmsetup 2.drag and drop archive to themes list 3.enjoy ^_^
xD ok that was noobish of me ^^ anyway tnx 4 help and tnx 4 not laughing that loud :D u and i very like it.
You can also find it in the menus System→Administration→Login Window and click on the Local tab
Nice theme.... different. I will try it. Voted good.