Debian yellow
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
9 +
Fantastic work..
It needs a higher res, especially now days. Is there ANYONE left using 1024x768 anywhere? Great work, keep them coming like this one, but think Ubuntu, Mint, Gnome.
great textures integration & harmony of colours & composition. Brilliant.
I neither use nor like Debian, but I still greatly enjoy the look of this wallpaper. :)
Can you make a version without the white "Debian" lettering? make things a bit more subtle because my boss hates Debian but I still want to set this as my wallpaper :) A higher res version would be great too (I'm running 1680x1050) but I can modify it to fit.
new size: 1024x768 :
Thats image is really, really nice. Now it's my background image. Just too bad it is not available in 16:10.
this is wonderful. just make a 1600x1200 version so I can crop it to fit a 1440x900 laptop. (I've given up looking for the right resolution wp's)
Agreed. Simply put. Like you when I like something, but it's not of the right size. I resize it. Makes life awhole lot eaiser.
New size: 1600x1200
integer, go to debian :)
I searched good Debian wallpapers for years. Now, you make the first one really beauty just when I have migrated to Gentoo !! Very good work: it is tasteful and the first good Debian WP that I have seen !