Description: This is my first attempt to create a wallpaper for the upcoming Aurox Linux 10.0 (it will hopefully shipped with KDE 3.3 ;-) ). Its code-name is "Amber".
The Package includes PNGs only: * 1600x1200 * 1152x864 * 1024x768
Please leave a comment if you like it!!!
I did a little rework over the Aurox Logo and some minor changes.Last changelog:
0.2 - changes in font and scaling 0.1 - initial release
Nice wallpaper, but i think, the border from the font looks better, if it is smoother and not fringy.
Also the quarder on the right side is a bit big, can you try a smaller one?
cu denny
Hm, if my eyes doesn't lie, it looks a bit better. check all details form your're objects that they have a smooth border. for example, look the "X" in the quarder. It is not very clear.
Ratings & Comments
Well done !!!
Nice wallpaper, but i think, the border from the font looks better, if it is smoother and not fringy. Also the quarder on the right side is a bit big, can you try a smaller one? cu denny
Thanks for your comment. I'll consider your tipps and I'll update the wallpaper then...
Hm, if my eyes doesn't lie, it looks a bit better. check all details form your're objects that they have a smooth border. for example, look the "X" in the quarder. It is not very clear. cu
Hmm.. Maybe it helps if I export the wallpaper in a higher resolution and scale it down with the GIMP.
hi, i had the same idea, so the fractals around the font disapears