Description: The creation of this picture was hard but the result is very nice in my opinion. I hope you like the wallpaper and use it for your desktop. Designed with Blender 2.41. Hope you like this. ;-)Last changelog:
...but are you aware of the ugly reddish bar at the top border?
The idea with the athmosphere-sketching grid is very well succeeded and makes it look more interesting than all the space photographs you could get eveywhere.
Ratings & Comments
For some reason the downloaded file does not have the grid like the preview :(
Oh, sorry. I have updated it now. The grid should be visible now ;-).
...but are you aware of the ugly reddish bar at the top border? The idea with the athmosphere-sketching grid is very well succeeded and makes it look more interesting than all the space photographs you could get eveywhere.
I don't know why there is such a small ugly red line at the top. It's seems to be an upload problem. Thanks for your comment.
The great thing about open source, if you don't like it, change it! = )