Ubuntu - Skull
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
The layered image suggestion is a good one. I've seen a lot of objections to <insert favorite distro here> logo on a wallpaper. It would be nice to be able to swap logos in and out easily. Unfortunately, layered images tend to have a large memory footprint and I think there is a pretty strict file size limit on what you can upload to gnome-look. The only way I can think of to do what you suggest is to host the layered image on an external website and link to it from here.
What about if one uses only two layers and compresses the result? ...especially if the second layer is a small one. I don't know the internal structure of .xcf or Photoshop files. But I would think compression algorithms could handle those pretty well... Do you suppose? A large black square might nearly disappear in even a simple RLE compression. But like I said...I don't know.
I just cut the entire Danish Girl (fully colorized) from an earlier post into a completely separate layer and saved the entire image as GIMP's .xcf.bz2 format. The original image is 340k. The dual layer colorized xcf.bz2 file is 761k. What is the maximum file size in GNOME-Look?
BTW: My Danish Girl includes 5 mask channels...Sky, Sand, Mountains, Wet Sand, and Girl. Somebody please assure me she's 18 !!
Since this site is supposed to be general distro, how 'bout posters creating a layer to cover whatever the objectors don't like. Then posters can post whatever anatomical detail they desire. And unless people know how to manipulate the image layering (it would be their own fault in that case), nobody can complain. I can see excellent arguments on both sides. But judgement has to be assumed to go with competence...especially on the internet.
Voted down because: 1. Stupid wallpaper with stupid gradient (sorry, but its truth), what looks awfull on every desktop. 2. Its just gradient with naked girl. 3. Placing oobunut on every wallpaper is so stupidly, its not ubuntu resource, its gnome artwork collection. So, please, go to http://ubuntu-art.org Thats why =)
Ohhhh well, 1. I guess you're entitled to your opinion, so...good for you. Other folks seem to disagree. Hmmm. 2. There are no rules stating that wallpapers should be "distro reference free", so I guess your opinion falls short in that department as well. Hmmm. Also, I have uploaded GNOME, Linux, and Ubuntu wallpapers. Ubuntu happens to be my distro of choice, if you don't like that, guess what...not my problem, so chill out. It's a little ridiculous to get bent out of shape over a wallpaper...think on it. Cheers, theFATMAN
...nevermind, you haters don't fade me. I know that the people who can see it as tasteful are downloading it, while the ones who are closed minded see it as something else. Sad, really. Cheers, theFATMAN
Hey guys, if you're gonna vote it down, could you at least take a sec to leave a comment as to why? Thanks