Islamic based wallpapers

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thanks for beautiful wallpapers. This is from a 3 yr. old, anglo-saxon , american , veteran! May Allah bless you always. ALI


May God(Allah) give us patience and may he guide our persecutors so that they may educate each other about the Noble Quran and it's message. I appreciate your work. May Allah guide us to the straight path... I am a 3 yr old revert...finally discovered the true religion and I shall die a muslim. "LA ILAHA ILLALA ASHADU ANNA MUHAMMAD RASULLULAH" I love hearing, calling or sharing the Athan... I was always unsure and confused as a I have understanding and humility...


The Achille Lauro "Celebrate throwing crippled jews overboard" Ground zero "Murdering women and children for god" Picure of school in arab nation on fire "Shoot those women escaping the flames for not covering their head before leaving the fires!" Yeah others are right. Someone needs to learn tolerance.


personally i don't push religion, but some of us need to learn tolerance... these are beautiful pics . this shouldn't be a big deal... u have two choices.. 1)download it , 2) don't download it.. people these days are too ignorant.. ALLAHU AKBAR!! ps: the penguin is our friend...


i think ;-0


um well, i guess we should have a Jimmie Swaggert WP next. Maybe of him in the fetal position, crying like a little girl with her hand caught in the cookie jar ? Religiouse WP's in general- Shouldn't you be contributing to your church/mosk/sinagog/whatever's collection plate ? I mean, you're obviousely not 'keeping the faith' if ya copy someone's work and all ;-0


For many centuries, the Islamic world was the height of art, culture, science, and technology. Sadly, today, Islam is perceived in the west as a group of unbalanced fundamentalists. To me, the images you have posted evoke the beauty that is still present in Islam. Still, I don't read Arabic (and my wife doesn't remember much of it from when she was young). Can you provide translations for the words on your wallpapers? I'm reluctant to display statements with which I'm not sure I agree.


Here is a nice quote I picked up on the web site you have on your wallpaper ( "Never beat your wife like you are beating your slave girl" Now with people THIS tolerant there is no reason we should be fearful of Islam!


hey i am not religious, but i think it is REALLY good to see some religious non-christian art here! at least it nicer than most of the christian stuff. i really think though that kde-look should make their own religions-section, just to make sure that if you dont want suff like that, it doesnt block the newest-10-list. ;-) anyway nobody forces noone to look at this, so stop complaining, people!


The french are infiltrating KDELook!!! -maitre


The first image (without the Islamic treatments) was originally done by a guy at Of course this wouldn't be obvious since someone edited the copyright info out the image... Way to be original.


I wonder if that taking someone elses work and calling it your own is a sin for islam?


i guess it is


Surely you aren't saying islamofacists are thieves? No, ok, I'll say it.


TERRORIST!!!!!!!!! lol, ok seriously never post religious wallpapers they are allways shit because it's religion for gods sake. hi i'm jack (hmmm, IQ 120) hi i'm jack and i'm religious (ahh IQ 50) please if u beleve it you are obviously dumb. and if i was american i'd whine about my right to free speech to post this, luckily i'm not so go ahead but it don't change my mind, ur still dumb for being religious. kill all religious people and racist people (is there much difference) and then most of the worlds problems are solved.


I'm not too fond of religion myself, but what you wrote is absurdity incarnate. 'nuff said, actually.


kill all religious people and racist people (is there much difference) and then most of the worlds problems are solved.

No I think just locking up intolerant idiots who resort to violence would probably do the trick. Your post makes you sound extremley intolerant of any view but your own. You have more in common with racists and religious fanatics than you know.


Intollerance??? Have you read the Koran? It tells them to "slay the infidels" and defines infidels as Christians and Jews and anyone else that is a non-believer. It also tells them to keep slaves too. So who are you calling intollerant? Islam = terroists


So, removing all moral restraint except for a governments iron boot will dolve the world's problems, eh? It makes me wonder who really has the IQ of 50.


Actually, these are beautiful. Not what I'd put on my desktop (I prefer simpler wallpaper). but they'll enrich someone's computing experience.

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