-this work is a pure copy of Vladstudio's work : http://vladstudio.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d39sc0m
-Vlad's work "Typographic World Map Night" have not an open license so expect if you have his agreement you don't have to decline / copy his work !
-when somebody leave a message on your "work" and say that it is a great concept the least you can do is to say that it is NOT your idea / concept.
-if you respect someone who is a real artist you put his NAME not a little link ( http://fav.me/d39sc0m)...just for be sure that nobody see it ;)
http://fav.me/d39sc0m leads to the page of the author who had the original idea;
the image is based! I gave the credits;
I sought the concept and the colors .. my art is not identical ...
did not use any texture or part of the original image; I redid everything!
Ratings & Comments
another amazinkg work :)
-this work is a pure copy of Vladstudio's work : http://vladstudio.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d39sc0m -Vlad's work "Typographic World Map Night" have not an open license so expect if you have his agreement you don't have to decline / copy his work ! -when somebody leave a message on your "work" and say that it is a great concept the least you can do is to say that it is NOT your idea / concept. -if you respect someone who is a real artist you put his NAME not a little link ( http://fav.me/d39sc0m)...just for be sure that nobody see it ;) ...
http://fav.me/d39sc0m leads to the page of the author who had the original idea; the image is based! I gave the credits; I sought the concept and the colors .. my art is not identical ... did not use any texture or part of the original image; I redid everything!