Stallman pop-art
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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
written text is never good on a wallpaper, it distracts from any file that is placed on top of it, makes it unreadable.
What you say is true if you have a lot of icons... Print on the right of my desk does not disturb me...
FATHER OF LINUX? FYI, Linus Torvalds is the father of Linux. RMS convinced Torvalds to release Linux under the GNU GPL and therefore it became GNU/Linux. RMS - father of GNU, Emacs, GPL, etc. Linux Torvalds - father of Linux Kernel Please fix the picture.
Stallman is the man. By the way wouldn't be better if you put Father of Free Software instead of Linux or just father of GNU ls? Indeed Torvalds was the father of Linux. Nowadays he owns about 2% of kernel's code so Linux belongs to the world. PS//: man ls See credits.
No one owns the Linux code (despite what SCO might claim). RMS is the Father of Free Software. Fine. The reason I said GNU is because free software existed a long time ago. Software was always free until a few big businesses decided that opening their software meant they were losing trade secrets. Soon every business was doing it and almost nobody released the code for their software. RMS came along and created a system where software would be free and stay free thanks to the viral-nature of the GPL. All RMS needed was a kernel for his new GNU tools. Linus Torvalds created Linux on his own for a while. RMS convinced him to release the kernel under the GNU GPL license. GNU now had a kernel for their GNU tools. Linus Torvalds wrote the first version of Linux and named it after himself. He was the original creator. That it why we call him the Father of Linux. Afterwards, many people, businesses, and companies found out about LInux and started contributing. Even to this day, Linus continues to be one of the highest single contributors to the Linux Kernel. I am surprised that much of the community doesn't actually understand how it all happened.
yep yep yep update
>"Linux wouldn't (have) exist(ed) without him" >"Great-father of Linux" >"Linux is based on GNU, that's why he remains one of the creators of Linux..." tell me which one could be better...I will make an update. Thx
>"Linux wouldn't (have) exist(ed) without him" >"Great-father of Linux" >"Linux is based on GNU, that's why he remains one of the creators of Linux..." tell me which one could be better...I will make an update. Thx