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Ratings & Comments
i think the default jaunty wallpaper is the best to date. think about windows vista or mac os x leopard/tiger/panther/so on in my opinion, the ubuntu art team is finally making the os look professional, respectable, and not toy-ish.
I'm not sure i'd called it the best to date - it's hardly unique given it's an 'Aqua Wallpaper' .. in brown with stripes. If making a "os more like Windows and os x" means copying them on everything, count me out. I want Ubuntu to be Ubuntu, not a poor clone of whatever's in OS X.
I don't understand a couple thigns you said... According to you, anything with curved lines is an "aqua wallpaper" ?? It is in no way, even inspired by aqua, in my opinion. No one said anything about making Ubuntu look like another OS, I said that it looks like it could sit next to leopard or vista in a store... it now looks professional. Also, no one said anything about copying something, much less copy everything... I think the default jaunty wallpaper is very nice, professional, "Ubuntu scheme", and adds an excellent look and feel to the amazing OS that is Ubuntu. To me, it no longer feels like a "hobbiest's OS", or liek a toy, or somehtign you have partitioned to play with. It is my main, and only OS, and it is excellent. I think you maybe misunderstood my post, or maybe there was just a bit of confusion in there somehow. Just clearing things up here.
By the way, your wallpaper is nice, I like it.
Really nice! Better than the official Wallpaper.
Thanks! It was my first wallpaper attempt but i wanted something more 'jaunty' than the (imo) worst ubuntu wallpaper we've ever had that comes with Jaunty.