Drink Linux!! 100% Open Source! xD
Hope you guys like it!
Please vote up and post a comment (it would be very nice

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The botton part of the can on the left now looks more realistic
24/1/2011: Now you can download a .png file on DeviantArt (better quality than the .jpg one, but it is an 8MB file)
Ratings & Comments
Done with this tutorial? :) http://www.blenderguru.com/create-an-eye-catching-energy-drink-advertisement/
Most of it (modelling and texturing) :)
So sorry, I was intending to vote up and accidentally clicked the wrong button and voted down :( This is a brilliant work one of my faves. Really good drawing it shows great skill. Again my apologies for voting down, i'll become a fan to try to rectify it.
Don't worry :)
nice, me gustaria leer algun tuto tuyo de thegimp o blender, buen trabajo
Gracias! Algún día me pondré a hacer tutoriales, pero por el momento estoy muy liado con los estudios (2º de bachillerato), así que no tengo mucho tiempo. La verdad que me gustaría, si hay gente que se anime, a hacer algún blog o página de tutos de diseño gráfico con soft libre, ya se verá...
Did you watch the blender guru tutorial? XD AWesome.
Of course I did :D
and refreshing !
Thanks :)
Excellent idea. Perfectly executed. Very nice, thanks!
Thanks! Well, I have to say that the idea is not really mine. I saw something similar in blenderguru.com and I thought "lets add some of my stuff" ;)
... stuff. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks! I'll keep on working ;)
I agree. Thanks for sharing.
welcome :)