Ubuntu - " Israel Remix Team wall " .

Wallpapers Ubuntu

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Ubuntu - " Israel Remix Team wallpapers ".

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I find it rather irritating to have to go through at least five pages which only contain your wallpapers. I do not object to one or two of your wallpapers being on each page. Each page should have a variety from various people and not just one person


stop please. your constant barrage of endless spamming is not appreciated. why post every 'isreal remix team' wallpaper on this site when you post them all on your website? it seems senseless, and cheap. i will not be downloading your wallpapers.


Hello My Friend. Do I look like Spam To you :) Well for someone that Have post on The net for long long Time ago Systems,ARTWORK,Support for Linux Systems all over the net. And if you search in Google unde - Admin-Amir Then you will get some of---4.460.000 options! I Do Not see myself Spam My Friend! If You don't Like Our work = Do not Download Them!! There are more PPL that will Appreciate our Contribute To the Community. Take Care. Amir.


The problem is not the wallpapers you're doing but the large number of wallpapers that you upload in a too short period of time. By acting this way you prevent other people to show their works. You know, it is not pleasant for anyone to see their works go back three or four pages within a few hours only. This is the point. If you can understand that, then your contribution would be more appreciated. By the way, I saw that you have never voted for anyone since you arrived here. You upload and upload like a machine. If you want people to appreciate your works then begins to appreciate the works of others please.


I will tell you that. we have made allot of wallpapers to Systems that we make for The Community, and you can see them on the net all over. but,we never post in the right place like Gnome-Look. Now ppl can Find all of our work on one site. And it is for Free to the PPL with any Distro that the end user work with. As ART to ART Answer to you, the feelings that you have to your work, OR to see your work there in the Front of Gnome-Look is your point of View, My point of View is to post our ARTWORKS for the PPL. Like machine OR not, We made allot of work and we post them on our Free Time To the PPL to have. So Sorry that your work want back few pages. we have our work to do like every thing in life, Today you First,Tomorrow you will be in Another place. So we want to be here just like you, And we post what we have - Do the same :)


Then put at least all the different distro wallpappers together in one compressed file. The problem that the rest of THIS community has is your constant uploading. Realistically, put all of the wallpapers and put them in one single .tar file as a single download. Let the users find the images they want to use from there. As a long time user and contributer of this site it does annoy me to see new work pushed away so rapidly by your actions.


Thank you for you Advice. I will take that Action with the next posts here on the site.

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version 43
downloads 24h 0
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