A Nice Dream
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
Hey, this is a very good and simple wallpaper. I like it a lot! One queston though. What does it have to do with Linux?
I don't think it has to mention Linux or KDE to be in place here at kde-look.org... But to answer your question I am making a theme for KDE/GTK+, Ksplash, and maybe an icon theme and this wallpaper was designed to go with it. I'm glad you like it... I'm not really an artist yet, though I try... I just do things that look cool to me and learn from that stuff.
Actually, I prefer wallpapers that don't say linux or kde. I would feel stupid with that kind of desktop. At work, I don't use a wallpaper that says "windows". I'd prefer this without the text at all.