Linux is sexy

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Linux is sexy!!!!!!
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I think a greenish glaze would be better, like in star trek.


It's has a liitle orange glaze on it, but definately a whack job. ;) ty for this.


Ahh, so those who choose to believe in a God are sheep. Well my fair feathered Friend, Baaaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaa. Hee Hee. Your present world may consist of no morals and raging sexuality, but my future holds a place of sainthood. See you later, well at least in these forums. P.S. Don't confuse Christianity or any other religion with non-communal, I believe in the political/economic importance of Linux, and that is why I am here. As for the poor suckers who can't see that it is a naked girl and accidently open it and choose to comment, well opps. Christianity is not prude so long as you are not wacking to the pic. Eric


I think you kinda missed his point. I don't think he's saying that you're a sheep for believing God. Rather, I think he's referring to the fact that many strictly religious people tend to think that everyone should follow their beliefs. Also, just because you're not a Christian doesn't mean you have no morals or that you are a sex maniac. I really think that people shouldn't just do things because they're what the Pope, Rabbi, or Dalai Llama wants them to. Beliefs shouldn't be formed by others, you should have your own beliefs.


Aesthetically, you spelled "aesthetically" incorrectly. And yes, a very crappy job besides the objectification argument. But I'm not one for censorship. If it were some guy's larger *member,* I could care less. Judeo-christian morals are for sheep.


And you completely misused it. You know how to spell it but it doesnt seem you know what it means...try there cool guy. Nobody likes an English teacher. Yeah I got typos, who cares.


I agree. Hackish. You took what i assume is someone else's photograph, cut out the subject, and plopped her sloppily onto a black background. I really don't think this pic belongs here.


As I said before, I simply added the text. The hackish job of cutting out the girl was done by someone else and I'll touch it up later. Therefore, if I am infringing on copyrights by having this girl in my pic, then so is the person who created the pic I modified, which was not copyrighted.


Esthically speeking its a very poor job. The edges are jagged, the colour of Miss Pirce is pretty aweful and the black background and text do nothing as well for a sense of unity. I dont mind sexual wallpapers but throwing a beautiful woman up your desktop does nothing without some style.


The picture of the woman already had those jaggies - I just added the text. Funny, i never noticed those jaggies before... I'll be sure and try to get rid of them later. but they're not necessarily my fault because, as i already said, i didn't cut out the pic of the girl, i just added the text. Everything else was just left alone.


Please make a preview or take this off the site. I am a girl and I don't choose to look at other naked woman. If you had posted a preview I would not have had to download this.


But if it had been a hunky fireman with no top on and a 6-pack abs you would of? Phil.


i was just thinking the same thing :)


My point was about the previews not the content of the wallpaper. I was not offended by your wallpaper. I think it is only fair that people know what it is before they download it (esspecially for the controversial stuff). Cheesecake or beefcake - give a preview.


Preview or no preview, with a name like "Linux is sexy", what did u expect to see?


Dont be a complete ass she made a good point.


i'm not trying to be an ass, but my point is, when u see something that says "sexy" u should expect that it has something "sexy". i understand her point. it was my first posting to the site, and i didn't even think about putting a preview when i posted and didn't know how to make them. now that i know how and how simple they are to make, i'll make sure to put one every time.


Thats all that had to be said Bro.


Any reason you choose "A HUNKY FIREMAN WITH 6 PACK ABS" as an example perhaps a calander you have within eyeshot. HEE HEE.


Hee hee your own ass smart guy! I work in an office with lots of females who have such calendars. I've had this conversation/argument many times. Women who get offended at a bikini babe on my screen are the exact same ones who have semi-naked beachbums on their calendars. Women can't have equality and feminism at the same time. Phil.


"Women who get offended at a bikini babe on my screen are the exact same ones who have semi-naked beachbums on their calendars." What a load of crap. Don't generalize an entire race of women because of a few in your office. I, for one, wouldn't like my husband using bikini babes as his background but I sure as hell don't and never have had a "hunk" on mine. Men who think they're all that is the most unattractive feature to me. Why waste my time on them when I could be spending the time, thinking about and fantasizing over a man that actually thinks that I'm beautiful and tries everyday to give me the world -- my husband. Everyone else is just a waste of precious time. It's something I never understood about many men - they spend so much time fantasizing and "whacking it" to pictures and video that they've hidden from their women and wishing they could "be with" them, when most of those men have a woman at home that loves them more than life itself and puts up with things that no other women in her right mind would, a woman that genuinely loves her man despite any imperfections... I just don't get it. And surprisingly enough, I don't carry any religion with me, not even atheism. Anyway, whoever said this earlier is right, it takes a lot more than just a pretty face and some fancy text to make it a great wallpaper, but you made an effort. You'll get it - once you start thinking outside the box ... basically meaning once your mind quits focusing on just her tits....

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