Description: Simple. Oh, the 1st screenshot is the preview jpg, and the second one is the xcf if you want to d/l it for modding.
-oh, and please...don't lets have any license flamewars here...i just like the bsd license ok? i also like the GPL, but for now my stuf will be BSD...hope no-one minds
can i vote it down coz it says KDE on it?
and what the hell does it matter if it's GPL, BSD's just the same probably, allows users to mod it how they please, same as GPL and shit.
anyway time to go annoy sgtfats for posting those discusting crappily 3D rendered things that are supposed to be penguins :-|
Ratings & Comments
can i vote it down coz it says KDE on it? and what the hell does it matter if it's GPL, BSD's just the same probably, allows users to mod it how they please, same as GPL and shit. anyway time to go annoy sgtfats for posting those discusting crappily 3D rendered things that are supposed to be penguins :-|
So why is this under the GPL then? Or did I read your comment wrong?
thats odd...i could have sworn i put it as BSD, oh well ill have to change it....i hate that cos ittl go up front again...oh well