Babel Fish-Making a Point

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OK, the person who did the last atheist wallpaper got comments about how it was ugly..heres maybe a nicer loking one that you could USE as a wallpaper... It was created in GIMP using flame with the "anti-pope" gradient hahaha wow amazing and if anyone wants to complain...well....obviously "God" wanted it to happen....
Last changelog:

the cool person who gave me the full quote (i had forgotten it and couldnt find my hhttg book :< ) is cool and iv updated with the whole thing...and removed the bottom line of text...cos it was too

Ratings & Comments



Nice way to make a point--mindlessly quote someone else's words, as if they're Holy Scripture. Yup, you sure made a point.


If you haven't anything nice to say....don't say anything. Constructive critiscm is fair enough....but not stuff like that...just piss off


Although I commend your taste in literature, I don't much like this wallpaper to be honest with you. The background image is fuzzy. The text is too bright for my tastes; using a slightly darker grey or reducing the opacity would go a long way in my opinion. And I don't much like serif fonts, but that is just a personal taste. :)


yes..i agree but noboy seems to really like itlooking at the ratings..i just wanted to make a point.....anyway thanks. yeh HHTTG RULES!!! lol maybe i shud do a "trilogy" of these wallpapers :p jk


I like this one much better. Although the quote is shortened to a point where the original meaning does not get quite clear. Here's the context: 'Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. 'The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." '"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so tehrefore, by your own argument, you don't. QED." '"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. '"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.'


LoL, yeh sorry...i couldnt remeber it all and i couldnt find my book...:( lol..i shall update it i suppose :)


WTF is the BSD Licence on this? GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, GPL it, or i vote u down :-)


Well, for one, BSD lisence is much free-er than GPL and for two, I happen to like BSDs Chuck....him and tux are like THE cuteness!!..the GNU it a bison? its soo ugly yuk! :p well thanks for expressing an opniion anyway....i dont pretend to know either of the licenses inside out...but i do know that the bsd one provides more freedom...:) and that is what OSS is about!


Hi I am from Micro$oft. I will be copyrighting this WallPaper and if you continue to use it without our consent you will be sued. - My take on BSD's liscense.


LoL! ok do have a point there....I don't think that could actually happen though..otherwise they would have done that to the entire bd operating system and theyd replace chuck with a 4 color square!!!arrrghghh nooooo!!! worst nightmare...:p thnx for writing newayz

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