Ultra powerful WM for humans [Goldv143]

FVWM Themes

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Very Light-weight FVWM OS designed for users looking for "Avant-garde" environment.

Codename: Light-weight for old machines and slow CPU, stable version, fast, and Comfort !!

-New concept, new pager, lot of moving environment for your working comfort
- Unique new vocal Email feature !!
- Podcasts and online TV player (more than 500 channels/streams/radios online)
- Now it can record your microphone USB with PRINT key and your webcam. Check HELP FILE!!
- I added the mouse wheel to control the sound
- I added top right the icon of the harddisk mac os x style
- The popup right lower side for music got added too nice
- Minimize the windows, and it makes a beautiful thumbnail
- Click on icon ShowDesktop and it orders all your windows into thumbnailing, handy and useful
- The help file is now more complete
- The top up mac bar is more complete now
- The fvwm is very stable and requires no configuration cuz it detects the screen size at the start
- Handy .startup editor is been seen added too
- Check the file of HELP, with right mouse clicking on the Apple Logo
- XFAKEKEY to change the Desktop with lirc, using RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN keys from the sofa for checking other screens
- Gmail Suport
- Contacts support
and many more

For more features, please contact me.

- The screenshots are rather outdated. Now it is much better!

- cd ; mv .fvwm .fvwm_old
- unpack the tar.gz so that it creates the files and $HOME/.fvwm
- If you would like to easily install fvwm and all required packages, run :
sh install.sh into the .fvwm folder
- I added ready to go .lircrc .screenrc and .conkyrc (handy files) !

Enjoy ! All the best !

(.wallpaper is the wallpaper file.)
Post into comment your screenshot of it.
Last changelog:

- New: I am inventor/author of a great new type of Alt+Tab for Fvwm ! Cool fvwm alt-tab

- New configuration menus
- A new module for listening Podcasts
- Vers >90.0
Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/210/20111009003119screensho.png/

- More functions and better multimedia cecnter
- 58.2:
* Better scripts, audio, video, converters, and music players
- 57.5:
* Nicer icons on the bottom
* Better fvwm music player
* Better media pendrive module
* Shift + xf music to go further in track
* Better shareddocument scanning
* Improvement of the iconbar
* Few others, some improvements
- 55.9:
* A new set of functions for Web surfing, wget, jotter, scanning, ... to a "shared" folder
* Enhanced choice of shortcuts
* Improvement of some multimedia scripts
* Relatively a lot of new functions!
* Album cover for the fvwm music player
- 55.2:
Mplayer / wget improvements
- 55.0:
Improvement of the sharing documents
Better scanning
Prompt at startup if sharing folder missing
Paste Date n time in the multimedia context menu
Quick screenshot to category (Meta win F13)
Screenshot to category into a given folder (evtl. shared) using Win+Shift+F13
F13 for a standard and regular screenshot
- 54.95:
Run the command:
cd ; sh .fvwm/install --help
To read how to install the minimum packages (very very basic but could eventually be useful)
- 54.92:
* Better screenshot icons
* New Documents/themes for screenshots into given category
* few added general features
* date slightly changed in screenshots
- 54.87:
Update onto the USB pendrive, mic recording, features while right click on the icons, pdf / folder / mp3 work featuring, sleep7s screenshot, Adddate to filename, PDF to JPG...
better alt win key + O
Better alt win ctrl v
better clipboard operations (using X11)
Scanning is also improved like always
Press F14 to record a video-sound movie of webcam, instead of a static screenshot... better fvwm wget with robots, ... middle mouse click on spotlight to see the clipboard content. what else? - Many more features, and new ideas have been proposed by lot of users and will be implemented for a next release of this ultra powerful easy-to-use user-friendly highly-modern environment/OS.
- 54.5:
A new taskbar sliding on the right
Better scripts, and quick keys
Better trayer management
- 54.34:
MP3 using Lame, and other features
Meta Win key + O: to wget and play a web link

- 54.3:
Lot lot of new features.
You can choose either you would like to have lower taskbar (and it memorizes it)
Better scanning, with new archiving + RIS featuring
USB pendrive got of lot more possibilities
And lot more. Got lot of work done.
- 51.4:
New design
New Taskbar on the bottom (because it has been several times proposed by users)
Fvwm File Encrypter (using openssl)
Active/Unactivate Panel bar
- 50.8:
Better scanning (with Emailing, and contact)
better functions for multimedia
- 50.3
Wallpapers, and better configuration modules
- 50.1:
a new media to picture function
a better switch between workspaces with mouse scroll
a better iconbox of running apps
- 50.0:
Some more coding, always better
- 43.9: small code improvements
- 43.8:
A better Fvwm TV
Better alt-tab
A great improvement of the fvwm emu (you will have to add a line between filter and the command line with the previous configs)
A begin of irda function with skip/replay
- 43.5
I have added a virtual piano, for those who like music and create beautiful melodies. -Surprise !!
script improvement regarding Emailing system and office
I let you know discover the new Office bar on the right side of the desktop (agenda evolution, database, jotter, ...very useful for being effective at work) (Next to menu start> you may find Office)
- 42.3:
better Usb pendrive options, and detector based on dmesg
Quite some work!
So the new version is now very much stable.
I had to remove the alt-tab since it was not lightweight. Anyone has any idea how to make it like expected?
Send email in abook can now search name and surname, very well.
You plug a device usb pendrive, and it detects based on /etc/fstab if you have /media/pendrive, and tells you you have plugged a pendrive to linux box.
Finally, you have now the email checker working, and telling you anytime when you have emails.
Cover.jpg can be added to the folder, so that you have an idea of the Fvwm Emu machine
That's it for today. Enjoy, and keep sending me Emails and adds-on !! Many thanks
Alt-tab much better, own coding to be improved, it works more like windows
the email checker on top bar is now fully working.
click on it to check your emails
Unrar function improvement: it now tells you the size of the rar file

- 40.8:
More stable release, and better stability of the Email checker, secured
Better email checker and led effect
- 40.4:
More comfort using the icon bar
More function into the icon Desktop
- 40.0:
Advanced menu for movie/music with additional functions
General scripts improvements.
- 39.8:
Better news rss module, irda, music player
- 39.0:
Man, was hard, several hours on that quake console. I improved it, it works well now and is very comfortable to use. It can be better but already now you can switch between workspaces, it will get you back to the last window calling the quake console relative to the current workspace (just try, pressing pause). No other quake code propose that so widely. Press twice pause to create maybe it.

Improvements of the fvwm music player, which now works!
- 38.91:
Better audacious fvwm player & fvwm music player
- 38.8:
Better Quake Console, with animatedmove. Press PAUSE key (once, twice,... and you switch with a quake like console effect to console-current window) Enjoy
- 37.7:
Right click on the window title to display with a window split effect the lower windows
- 38.6:
Support of ASX and PLS online tv channels, much more channels can be watched.
You have now bloomberg too !
Script improvements.
- 38.0: Major Release:
Round corner, theme of windows on the left side to close, minimize, and maximize
(it is default.tar.gz)
- 37.9:
Better root menu, tasks / todo apps
- 37.6:
Better emulation that is now compatible with more games, better last played function, better home remote irda menu
Turn off the monitor now using DPMS (irda)
F12 is now released. which key would you like for the Quake console?
- 37.3:
Right mouse click on the title bar of the windows to un-/re-duce width
New function for dailytrackdata (txt)
- 36.7:
Better startup
- 36.4:
New: TV client added
TV client, using tvtime, is now available.
You can configure it to change the sound on other sounds card via right mouse click on the volume (right side icon into topbar)
The Email checker is improved, and remembers now the email status even after reboots Cool
- 36.1:
Little script improvements (Email)
- 36.0:
(New screenshot added #2)
Improvement of the Email checker; very useful though. You receive a notification as well using notify-send and sound info.
- 35.9:
The Email icon is now getting yellow, when you have a received email (based on .muttrc) (thanks seb)
You will have now a more comfortable use. The windows are never offscreen anymore (for enhanced comfort) and the top bar is never hidden by windows.
- 35.4:
Small improvements: calc and scripts
- 35.3:
Improvement of the top bar.
Sound selection from top bar, show now a cool osd fvwm indicating the volume level
Little improvement of the internet scripts
- 35.0
Fixed some colors. Fixed icon bar, to have now a perfect icon manager of the top bar.
Soundvolume display improved and more reacting.
- 34.8
Some topbar colorset issue, trying to be fixed...
- 34.5:
Winkey + Mouse left or right double click to maximize or thumbnail
Maemo / layout keyboard menu when click on topbar
I started to reorder the images into config folder, to some re-ordering planned tasks.
Jotter is bit better.
- 34.3:
You can now automatically save the videos from youtube, and flash based video website of firefox (right context menu on the screenshot (mini pc) of the top bar ) (then it is stored into movies/flash)
- 34.1:
Bit more comfortable to use. little improvements.
- 34.0: New, now it automatically detects the size of your screen/monitor and adjusts all : $HOME directories, pixels, topbar, ...
Enjoy !!
So it is just unpack and play, nothing to configure (only the city with right click on the weather conf, and the mutt with auto-configurator too that I made )

- 33.7:
NEW!! I developed and added a new Expose function. You can access it via topbar and also the regular Expose key of the keyboard. Very useful feature.

- 33.6:
Function Expose has been added. (Needs Un-expose but ok for the moment)
- 33.4, 33.5:
Workspace Number is now indicated in center of the screen at changes. I found that useful (however I cannot add into the fvwmpager (help))
- 33.3:
NEW: module Fvwm Gaming
- 32.9:
Non sticky icons, thumbnails (this was very important for more comfort)
Better Ontop with flag-P key to get topbar
Few improvements
- 32.7:
New design for powerful, pretty no? Check the second screenshot (2)
Click on the music icon on top bar, to shade up/down the xmms player
Cooler design, with nice iconmanager
Few improvemnts
(I will order more later the config, and make it work for any kind of screen size)
- 31.8:
Much better Jotter, wow, it is so useful (with its key bindings). A great thing.
- 31.6:
Now function add text to jotter using shift+flagkey+J
Now key bindings help file can be called up
- 31.4:
fvwm xmodmap added. Other fixes.
Better online todo/task list
- 31.3:
Create/rename folder/files script improvements
- 31.1:
Quite some work. You have now a Fvwm Jotter integrated to the WM (press flagkey+J)
Flagkey+Shift+V gives you pasting templates (needs xclip and xsel)
And some other several improvements. It starts to be an interesting WM, pretty cool and powerful now
- 30.64:
Got the milk online shopping list/todo !
(can email it, through crontab)
(press flag + H / flag + shift+ h)
- 30.5:
New browser for your TV ONLINE (automatic channels download from internet site!)
- 30.4:
Added maemo keyboard down
Improvement of the Quake feature pressing F19
Few general fixes
- 28.0:
Tv online can now read better the url. asx too
- 27.6:
Much much more online TV channels are now available, using the version >27.5 !!
More functions in file/folder creator
- 27.2:
New design of the volume icon. One can set the volume directly with it.
Other general improvements of the scripts
The top bar is now working for little screens, such as laptops or even maemo or nokia linux machines
- 26.9:
Better webcaming, i.e. recording videos/audio with webcam, playing it...
Win-key + P: place for a short while the top bar and so on
Other small general improvements
- 26.6:
Better icon manager, win-key + Q does not close anymore the icon manager
Better todolist functions (...) and open my place using win-key + O
Little improvement in the config
- 26.0: main release version
bug correction, fully working all programs,
creating/renaming files has been improved,
better video playing,
better webcam,
better clipboard copy paste
win-key + T to do list
which is added with win-key+Shift+C ! (useful),
right click on spotlight brings disks/desktop icons,
Right click on icons gives almost always option menu
- 25.8
I added the mini keyboard X11 (keyboard visual) when you click on the keyboard on top bar, since some of you are using this wm with nokia n810 / maemo mini linux pc
- 25.6
Better world webcam that understand more complex webcam
Iconmanager is now even better, it detects the size of the screen, and adapts it better now
In firefox, try to select an url, and press win-flag key + U, here we go into fox!
- 25.5
The world webcams is now working
(textfile to be improved by self using of users)
- better gaming emulation, and music players
- NEW 25.2:
(start>multimedia>worldd webcam)this version at now a new system to watch the webcam's all over the world !! Soon you I will make it better. So with it you can place your links to jpg or html to webcams. I will make a common site for everyone to download all webcam's of the world. Cheers. Further help always appreciated
- [folder icon] there is a new quick icon on the top main bar, it's cool, there is play movies, play music, and play online tv/radio (left mouse click on it)
- shared pictures
- shared library for users
- New featuring for the mouse right click on spotlight
- better fvwmbuttons
- More options always
- Now a youtube play all movies
- Now a Play my file, which can play pics, avi, and also http url links !! (very useful)
- More options and features, such as youtube player
- on the left, the page number is now indicated from 1 to 4, to never be lost
- much more function, always !
- better alt-tab switch
- A great release !
- I have added a second pager on top left,into the bar, with grey background ; it is more comfortable even
- better screenshot options (top bar)
- make a screenshot of a given window, copy it into screenshots folder, and place its location into the clipboard (cool to ease the upload of the pic)
- ontop layer added to the prop of windows
- buttons are now always rightly placed
- Better Online TV ! Please add your streams !!
- slight new changes, I put the pager down into the panel bar
- and few adds-up
- mouse 1 root has windows options
- backupnox for pda sync
- Many new updates
- Right click on all icons works to get option menu
- The mic recording usb has now a configuration editor
- Better video, and multimedia management
- New modules for irda and multimedia environment
added the shadows and subtitle mplayer module
-added the cool visual effect during displaying windows
- some very cool new features
- alt right mouse to thumbnail window (dble click)
- alt left mouse to maximize window (dble click)
- win + s: dictate/say
- cascade on top bar with mouse clicks
- better desktop icons functions (desktop)
- nicer iconmanager, with nicer focus colors
- scanning from top bar (right mouse click on the screenshot icon)
- New menu from the lirc remote controller to play movie, music, and games (sort of enhancement of main remote home key (win flag))
- Excellent multimedia control from remote controller irda
- Better pager visualization
- Alt tab improved, fixed, ok
- a simple screenshot icon on top bar, even simpler than mac, and XF86play music improved
- better theme changer, adding borderwith 1 if not specified.
- Clearlooks Blue theme has been added ! (with a titleheight of 20)

- New theme creator. Create your themes yourself and save them (right click on desktop, and window decoration save/edit)

Please continue sharing your new created themes for fvwm mac os x !! thanks a lot !

- 19th version released !
Into the 19.1, the cursors have been added , now still module about sounds to popup on right + spotlight to go
- click on Logo to get the main menu popup
- better weather and better icons on the dock macmenu (transparency)
- Better cdrom burning, and options
- SSH proxy tunneling added (firefox).
- Right click on root to settings/configure (wallpaper, screensaver, ...)
New blue icons on the lower dock
The docking bar is set to the right using container, with battery, wifi, finder, keyboard, and so on.
gtk chtheme has been added.
- new icons on the desktop ! power pda and cdrom
- power mplayer playlist menu (also from remote)
- better burning
- PDA menu improvement (on right click on pda icon)
- there is now a new icon on the desktop. This icons lets you sync your PDA of any type, using mountpda mega app. Cool and rapid to sync'n'go!
- scanning to PDF
- reportbug/wishlist
- tiny changes in the menu
-better mplayer video fvwm support
-support for IRDA sending files (usb dongle irda, extra to the irda remote, using irda0)
- Now a better support of the keyboard (taking account of hostname)
Firefox internet bookmark context menu (dvdmenu key) has been added
Improved weather, nokia padding, remote keys
very powerful mplayer player (folder to playlist, with memory/ and lirc videos replay)
nokia script for typing chars/text and firefox surfing from distance with remote controller (great code) !!
powerful control of the pc using remote controller
reverse SSH
- Better weather icons with day/night, better .lircrc, some extra sounds for media center
Fvwm media center added pressing HOME key of remote control
- saytime / bigben.sh
- netstat / dmesg / camera-video making video
- Better audacious control

features in 15.2 version:
fluxbox like, and much faster
power hacking tools
power tools
super extra wget intelligent !!
contact and vocal email feature !!
scanning , automatic
stop watch
emails embedded with the OS
burning embedded with the OS
fvwm clonecd script embedded with the OS
sync to pendrive ...
control of of the OS from lirc remote control
swtich apps with the remote only (lazy hack )
and many more thing

- version 6.5
New themes and much more things
- The very useful vocal notes has been added !!
- version 4.9
Configuration menu
- version 4.8
New vocal Email feature !!
Contacts, improved
- version 4.5
Configure MUTT automatically !
Contact support
TV Support & scan !
Email gmail inbox
Better burning and cloning
Useful cooking tools
Better .startup (added)
and a .startupuser (added for local)
- version 4.3
improvement in burning, easier to burn, better scanning with remote controller pressing Guide, right click on root desk to get the quick menu
- version 3.8
lot of scripts, and new features, scanning, webcam, ... soon emailing
-version 2.9
Lot of updating and new functions, such as rec mic (wav only today)
-version 2.5
Big new features: XClonecd, and burning to cdrom and cloning, when clicking on the root desktop (middle click)
Eesy mount cdroms, and burn folders to cd-rom, lot of things with xclonecd

-version 2.3
some add-on, healthreport, printer config, ... stuffs with middle click on root desk
-version 2.2
Mini icons added and supported
-version 2.1
middle click on the root, new options, even scanning to folder from your scanner, automatic !

Version 1.7
- It has the fvwmicon icons into the top bar of running apps

Version 1.4
- miniicons
- Pause to get dictionary

Version 1.2
- Many new features. Please check the help file while right click on the apple logo
- 1.2 has today a fixed screenshot, while pressing PRINT key
- I enjoy recording my voice with the usb mic while presssing ALT (A=Audio)+PRINT

Version 0.7
- Now it can record your microphone USB with PRINT key and your webcam. Check HELP FILE!!

Version 0.6 has been released !
- Mon Jul 26 19:32:24 CEST 2010
- It is now stable and very comfortable to use
- There is a HELP FILE to let you teach how to use it
- The screenshots are rather outdated. Now it is much better.

- Mac OS X FVWM vers 0.3

Ratings & Comments



I got my touchpad and 3d effects in ubuntu . But my panel is in bottom, how to move that to top as in screenshot in fvwm


I was trying fvwm-crystal and saw your theme, downloaded it, it downloaded lotssa stuff which I never needed. I had minimal installation and now it is populated. I even lost control over my touchpad after issuing commands in Readme.txt. I will get that back. I just want to know how to run this in Ubuntu 12.04. I have replaced all with the contents of this tarball in my home folder. Little help needed.


I love this theme


Hi, Thanks If you want, it is possible to merge your config with mine, and I can add a new taskbar takes your taskbar. That could be a cool idea. My configuration has window theming. you could edit and create a tar.gz. This theming would be zenity based, that means that it would not affect the configuration .fvwm2rc. It could be loaded at "restart", after once the settings step is choosen to a given taskbar or icons on the desktop. I shall remain fast and highly flexible in any cases. Here a link : ~/.fvwm/images/decors$ ls -1 23oz.tar.gz bebop.tar.gz blue_metal.tar.gz boxlooklethe.tar.gz brushed_metal.tar.gz chromium.tar.gz clearlooks_blue.tar.gz clearlooks_white_fonts.tar.gz crux_blue.tar.gz crux.tar.gz defaultdecor default.tar.gz dustmurblack.tar.gz e17.tar.gz eazel_blue.tar.gz eazel_forest.tar.gz eazel.tar.gz elberg.tar.gz flat.tar.gz fluxbox.tar.gz fvwmmacosx.tar.gz galaxy.tar.gz helix.tar.gz ice.tar.gz industrial.tar.gz macosx_light_left.tar.gz macosxminimo.tar.gz mechasan.tar.gz micro_GUI.tar.gz milky.tar.gz minimodomore.tar.gz minimooxy3.tar.gz minimooxy.tar.gz minimopearl.tar.gz minimosome.tar.gz playstation_blue.tar.gz playstation_green.tar.gz QNX.tar.gz strog_artic_decoration.tar.gz strog_smoke_decoration.tar.gz sweetpill_crowberry.tar.gz sweetpill_jade.tar.gz taviso_decoration.tar.gz win_xp.tar.gz


To configure the weather, emails, you may do start ° main menu configuration, and set all your needs. Weather should come up then (zenity is very important to be installed to get the popups prompting your setup)


You can post your theme at fvwmforums.org (Screenshots & configs) too.


Could someone make this window theme for fvwmmacosx ? http://homepage.mac.com/m5comp/MacNapster.png


In the version 10, it handles the tar.gz theme files. Hurra ! :) So to use a theme, use the theme selector and select your tar.gz and at restart, new window theme !! Here is a list of current theme: http://ironphoenix.org/tril/fvwm/configs/fvwm-theme/ Create your own themes, and post them. It uses the decor file in it, it gives eg the height of the title bar. It shall have a folder into the tar.gz and the right xpm icons. Cheers !


Hi Guys :) If you like this Mac OS X fvwm environment, please post a cool screenshot ! You can use imageshack http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6420/helpfile.jpg Regards


Hello, I really like this theme but I need to know how it can be installed in Mandriva. I tried installing and I got a not fully working environment, a lot of things doesn't work. Can you help me, please?


I would advice to use apt-get for Debian. For Mandrive urpmi is adviced as indicated here: http://mandrivausers.org/index.php?/topic/16224-apt-get-on-mandrake-10/ you would just need to install: ssh xserver-xorg iceweasel leafpad xterm imagemagick fvwm gftp rox-filer file-roller eog mplayer audacious less vim less ntp portmap nfs-common ssh filezilla fvwm wodim sendmail-bin reportbug mutt zenity libnotify-bin evince mplayer iceweasel elinks wput wget gftp mc alsa aumix xinit feh vim mc evince eog less screen iceweasel -f -y xscreensaver mutt sendmail-bin reportbug ssh wput mplayer aumix lirc sux xsel geany xpad The most important to be installed are: xorg zenity alsa wput ssh scrot libnotify rox-filer file-roller eog mplayer audacious less (with some adaptation regarding the package name) I hope it helped. Best regards


Thank you for your answer. I'm still having some troubles but it's working now. Here is an screenshot, it's not so good, but still :) http://img37.picoodle.com/i56m/kimiko/3su7_a4c_ucf3r.png


It is a gorgeous screenshot! Do you know that you have also lot of themes when right lick on desktop, you can select a given theme for windows. If you master this os, you will see that it is full of functions and features, and you will save lot lot of time. I have a mc world keyboard, that explains the F13 F14... keys I upload a newer version 55.2 with better Wget power thing, and mplayer video watching directly from site. Online TV is cool, isn't it? Thanks for posting


Other screenshot: http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/4199/fvwm.png

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System Tags


The F Virtual Window Manager is a virtual window manager for the X Window System. Originally a twm derivative, FVWM has evolved into a powerful and highly configurable environment for Unix-like systems. Wikipedia