graphics/ImageMagick - makes screenshots, thumbnails
graphics/hsetroot - sets wallpaper
x11/trayer - tray
x11/rxvt-unicode - unicode terminal (in daemon/client mode)
x11/xlockmore - screensaver
graphics/gpicview - picture viewer
multimedia/mplayer - player... required if you want to use my build in playd script (for example music menu....)
other dependencies are optional and can be turned off via editing
winkey+x: start terminal (default urxvtc)
winkey+w: start browser (default firefox3)
winkey+c: start calculator (default scilab in default terminal)
winkey+f: start file manager (default gentoo)
winkey+n: playd play next track
winkey+r: playd repeat playlist
winkey+p: playd pause
winkey+/: playd volume down
windey+*: plaud volume up
winkey+m: start mail app (default thunderbird)
winkey+t: fvwm-console
winkey+i: fvwm-ident
scroll_lock: start screensaver (lock screen) + turn off monitor
pause: turn monitor off
prtscr: take screenshot (will place screenshot in ~/pic .Folder must exist)
shitf+ptrscr: take screenshot after 10 sec(will place screenshot in ~/pic .Folder must exist)
winkey + 1 to 0: switch between desks
alt+f2: rearange apps in 2 collums (screenshot 6) [it will work almost as maximize if there only 1 window on desk]
alt+shift+f2: same as above, but leave space at right side of screen, to be able to see minimized apps (screenshot

to change bindings (bough mouse and keyboard) edit [file]~/.fvwm/Config/bindings.fvwm2rc[/file]
alt+f3: maximize/restore
alt+f4: close app
alt+shift+f4: close group of apps
alt+f6: shade window
there are more, check bindings.fvwm2rc for more
browser: firefox
mail: thunderbird
editor: gvim
terminal: urxtvc
calculator: scilab (in console)
irc: xchat
file manager: gentoo
more screenshots on my homepage
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Hello, where can I get this wallpaper ? Thanks