Multi-function WM Fvwm theme

FVWM Themes

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Configuration made for Linux beginners, newbies, and also advanced users with Linux

Extremely fast and powerful OS/WM environment for beginners and advanced users.

- Multimedia Center, Screenshot:
(work with lirc)
- Quake console
- Vocmail, and audiomail
- Now, there is FreeTux WebTv (you can watch the world streams classified per country (press Pause, and select webtv)
- Pause key: Media Center like freevo/mythtv but zenity based (very basic)
- Lot of function in this Configuration of WM:
* Various windows decorations (wd) available
(cf. )
Choose or edit the wd file easily
* Allow exchange with users of window decoration themes
* Webcam/Web design support
* Automatic Email sending for large files
* Quick internet/screenshot/clipboard functions (shortcuts/keys)
* Online TV (TV streams of the world)
* Fvwm Power Translator (any languages) rapid from cursor and with popup/prompt
* Remote irda home center (A basic Mythtv / Freevo like program)
* Screenshots management
* Sound management
* Fvwm Jotter
* Camera management by fvwm
* Fvwm CDROM/DVD, Cloning
* Quick Windows Key shortcuts
* Shared document / Scanning
* Remote Irda Multimedia Center
* Home made Freevo/Mythtv based on zenity
* EMu
* Cloning
* SSH Port forward for Camel admin
* Encrypting files
* IP geography/location tracker
* Blog maker (Jpg,...)
* PDFtk toolbit fvwm frontend (merging, cropping,...)
* Cut MP3, and convert them
* Convert AVI to other formats
* Record Webcam, or mics, send vocal emails
* Online Radio
* CD-roms and DVD burning and management (Wodim)
* Media pendrive management
* Delayed Outbox and multi-user email sending
* Settings for Mutt
* Learning Alphabet for you
* Easy installer of the packages for this configuration
* Powerful screenshot to shared folder or folder Theming, to never loose data and order when pressing WIN+Printscreen
* Fvwm extra clipboard with storing/pasting templates, date, ...
* lot of functions for Newbies (pdf, converters, website help programs, ...)
* You will discover an advanced way of using the bottom taskbar, for sound management, audacious music management,...)
* IP finder, netstat...
* And many many more functions!!

Enjoy LINUX and Share your Code/Developments !!

** To Install **
- Check to install (Debian / Ubuntu) :
cat $HOME/.fvwm/apt/
Run the right program into $HOME/.fvwm/apt/

Many thanks to Ubuntu :
- Taviso, Thomas.
Last changelog:

- 88.2 : acpi support, battery display, webcam player and streamer improvements, recording, ...vocmail, audiomail...
- 85.2: Better fvwm webcam MMC:// streaming server (Press win+shift+k for menu)

- 84,8: Media center
Win+Alt+F10,F11,F12 to control it or lirc

- 83.6: Embedded Transparent Pager to the root desktop (this pager remembers its last position)
- 83.3: better remote home center (mythtv like, basic using zenity)
- 82.2: Better world online TV
- 82.0: more functions for multimedia
- 81.9: improvements loop, webtv
- 81.2: webtv
- 81.1: Better home center (press Pause)
- 80.3: Pause key: Media Center like freevo/mythtv but zenity based (very basic)
- 80.1: window decoration theme improvement
- 80.0: Nicer icon manager (green color)
- 79.4: Improvements of the multimedia scripts (webcam support)
- 79.0: Lot of new feature
** Powerful Fvwm Translator from any language to any ** ! (press Win+D)
- 77.4: I wished to have the detailed weather forecast for today. I added this feature into the remote irda home center
- 77.2: better menus, online tv, cdrom, audio management, key shortcuts, emu, remote irda commands, pendrive menu, ... nicer mini-icons
- 75.8: bug fixes, online tv, better shortcuts, better shared documents managements, few Multimedia Remote Home improvements
- 74.9: Better Online TV, Outbox Email, Weather, Pendrive, Emu, and other script improvements/bug fix
- 73.1: Better Outbox Email Sending and Emu functions
- 72.3: few improvements, Win+F10, and also permanent Taskbar position (top or bottom, as you wish).
Better mic configuration and record
- 71.9: you can now fix the taskbar on top or bottom, as you wish. (right mouse click on START)
- 71,0: Just install html2text for headlines
- 70.9: Better Multimedia Center
- New version notification at startup
- Lirc for better firefox surfing with lirc (zoom, pageUp/Down, Selection, SKip, replay for previous page,...)
- 70.4: Wheel on taskbar to reduce sounds, with win key to change music audacious track
- 70.4: Script improvements, better spotlight context menu
- Extra new function with clipboard for coders and geeks (check spotlight right mouse click)
- 64.1: Better key shortcuts and scripts
- First Version : 20110820-231412

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System Tags


The F Virtual Window Manager is a virtual window manager for the X Window System. Originally a twm derivative, FVWM has evolved into a powerful and highly configurable environment for Unix-like systems. Wikipedia